5 TASTY Instant Pot Recipes! (NO CHICKEN!)

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

You all voted on the Community tab and voted for Easy Instant Pot Recipes. I have also been getting a lot of comments about no more chicken recipes! ha ha!

31 replies
  1. Sal
    Sal says:

    Great recipes! To make the pork chops a little more Asian-style, sprinkle with sesame seeds and chopped green onions instead of parsley. Serve with rice and a side vegetable like broccoli. Delicious!

  2. Robert Turnland
    Robert Turnland says:

    Can you substitute the Salmon for a different fish? I've never really liked Salmon. Would the settings stay the same if you can substitute? I'm thinking Cod, Perch, or even Catfish. I'm curious about using a frozen fish fillet. Would that work without defrosting it?

  3. Diana Mahar
    Diana Mahar says:

    Pork chops for 1 minute ???!!!! Wow !!! Instant pots are amazing…Iโ€™m new at using mine so your recipes sound very quick and easy ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜Š

    HOME, HELP & HEART says:

    Bless you for including a sloppy joe recipe! I haven't had a sloppy joe in years and I just saw a friend's picture the other day on social media having sloppy joes and it made me crave them. I look forward to making several of these recipes!

  5. Debi Hediger
    Debi Hediger says:

    Just wondering how tender the pork chops were? Mine never seem to get tender, so I donโ€™t cook them anymore. Iโ€™ll cook tenderloin with my Cajun recipe because I KNOW it comes out wonderful. Either in the oven or the instant pot as well.

  6. Verla Harmston
    Verla Harmston says:

    These were wonderful. I made the sauce that you used on the pork chops substituting molasses for the soy sauce and cooked chicken in it. It was delicious. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Christine Sexton
    Christine Sexton says:

    My honey is having a colonoscopy tomorrow. I made him a nutritious chicken veggie stock in the IP. I added kale, onion, carrot, celery, garlic, sweet potato, chicken, a bay leaf and thyme. Also peppercorns and salt. Cover in water and cook 30 mins. I let it steep for an hour after. It's way better than drinking bullion cubes. Love my IP!

  8. Debbie Reilly
    Debbie Reilly says:

    The pork chops would be my go too ,not a fan of pork chops but those looked delicious. Don't do salmon. Sloppy joes and spaghetti squash a+ .Thank you for sharing. ๐Ÿ™โค๐ŸŒŸ


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