5 Potato Side Dishes So Good They’ll Steal The Show

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Hello Food Wishers! Chef John’s Corporate Overlords here with 5 potato side dishes so good they’ll steal the show! Chef John’s …

39 replies
  1. Melanie Gerber
    Melanie Gerber says:

    Hi, I'm from Germany. Your Kartoffelklöße are actually called Mehlklöße (Flower dumplings). Mehlklöße, Seidenklöße and Serviettenklöße are often made in Franken (part of Bavaria) whereas Kartoffelklöße are best made in Thüringen. All are great, but to my opinion nothing tops the original Thüringer Kartoffelklöße.

  2. Russell Letherbarrow
    Russell Letherbarrow says:

    The humble potato given Michelin Star treatment! They look lovely, unfortunately potatoes are not given a chance on most restaurant menus . However, they uplift many a meal but all you're offered are saute, Lyonaise , baked, creamed ,boiled and for sure fried. Most chefs or cooks don't have the vision to expand on this. I did fondant potatoes back in the 60's/70's whilst training as a commis . However ,the head chef I was supporting was Italian and only waxed lyrical on boring old pasta dishes.

  3. Logetastic
    Logetastic says:

    Tried making the Fondant Potatoes.
    Had Net Necrosis on the russet potatoes. (First and ast time I buy from that store)
    I forgot to dry them before I put the first one on the skillet… that was a minor burn from splatter.
    After drying, 8 minutes later, I was moving them on and it popped and exploded in oil.
    Cooked lower heat than properly recommended after that.
    I'm confused about sprinkling the spices on the top (oil side) as it seemed to dry quickly.

  4. Deb Howley
    Deb Howley says:

    With the price of butter these days, I think I’d use bacon for the potato dumplings, just because it would bug me to melt a stick of butter just to soak bread crumbs – or maybe some of that bacon grease I’ve been saving could be substituted 🙂

  5. hokieduck
    hokieduck says:

    I love this guy's cooking techniques and ideas. I just cannot watch his vids, or I click through them as quickly as I can and still get the drift of the recipe). The sing-song nature of every single sentence that he utters simply drives me up the wall.

  6. Bristol Fashion
    Bristol Fashion says:

    Hi CJ, Spud lover, over here in Bristol, UK saying hello… this vid. is a real inspiration for me! Thanks for the helpful, detailed instructions (as usual!) Taters it is, tonight 🙂

  7. chrissie hardman
    chrissie hardman says:

    An Irish friend of mine almost fainted when I served boiled potatoes – and ate the skins! Apparently, it’s traditional in Ireland to boil the spuds in their peel, serve them in their skin, but then they peel them on the plate before eating them! Is this common anywhere else besides Co Tipperary?


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