5 Ingredient Mississippi POT ROAST That's AMAZING! Slow Cooker Recipe

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Let’s make the most amazing 5 ingredient Mississippi pot roast, which has been trending since last year. This is gonna be good!

19 replies
  1. Jirrel D. Warren, Jr.
    Jirrel D. Warren, Jr. says:

    Only thing that I would do different is cut a white or yellow onion into 1/8 wedges and add with your other ingredients and country greenbeans cooked separately for another side. Nothing wrong at all with the recipe you presented, I just like the flavor of onion with beef! I really enjoy watching your videos, so keep up the good work.

  2. D. Bat
    D. Bat says:

    One of my favorite ways to make a pot roast. I have tried the store bought seasoning as well as the recipe shown here. And they are both delicious. I also brown my meat before slow cooking because I’m just used to doing that.


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