5 EASTER recipes! Come eat Easter dinner with us!

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Thanks for joining us while we enjoy our traditional Easter dinner! I hope you’ll give one or more of these recipes a try! If you are …

39 replies
  1. @sandijsmith8295
    @sandijsmith8295 says:

    I’m the designated deviled egg maker in the family. I do a basic version from a Betty Crocker cookbook from the 60’s. It’s like yours with white vinegar. However, I use more mayo so they’re uber creamy and over fill. So if I cook and mix up 12 eggs, I over fill 8 using the leftover whites for something else. So dang good! Happy Easter!

  2. @mdketzer
    @mdketzer says:

    I always make some sort of Lamb for Easter as the meat, Giada’s whipped Ricotta salad, the sides vary, just depends, always some sort of roll and a desert!❤

  3. @susanw-cv8vg
    @susanw-cv8vg says:

    A little info for you. The purpose of the card board egg container is;
    It grabs any humidity/moisture that is in the refrigerator allowing your
    eggs to stay fresher longer.. 😯😯😯. I saw that on YouTube. Interesting huh?
    So now, I just keep them in the original cardboard container.

  4. @nancycowan6109
    @nancycowan6109 says:

    I do so love Easter meals. But we are faced with salt free meals from now on due to heart problems and kidney disease. So this was kind of hard to watch. And to miss. Because in every single amount of sodium in everything, we are seriously limited. And your yummy meals are absolutely forbidden. And not to be preachy, maybe watch it for your future. It’ll happen in a blink of an eye. ❤️💔

  5. @MelodicCalm
    @MelodicCalm says:

    Oh my goodness, my mom (and my sister and I minus the mushrooms haha) has been making this green bean casserole since she also found it in a church cookbook in the early 80s. The recipe was called “Gourmet Green Beans” and it’s so much better than the regular casserole everyone else grew up with. 😁 I was so excited to see you make it. Happy Easter!

  6. @Sooz1957
    @Sooz1957 says:

    Mandy, this is my Mom’s Ham Sauce Recipe. You will never serve ham without it again. It is a garnish and can be used as a spread on a ham sandwich. 1/2 cup sugar, 3 tsp dried mustard, 1/3 cup vinegar and 2 eggs. Either cook slowly in a double boiler until it thickens or cheat like me and microwave and strain out the lumps. It should be the consistency of mayonnaise. Enjoy!

  7. @louannebertrand9898
    @louannebertrand9898 says:

    We alternated going to the grandparent's house so our dinners were different. The Italian grandma who lived in the country dinner was spaghetti and meatballs, smothered chicken and potatoes, deviled eggs (loaded with celery, pickles and mayo) stuffed artichokes. The Italian grandma who lived in New Orleans always had roast beef, the best mac and cheese, ham, and stuffed artichokes. She always made us a bunny cake or a lamb cake, too.

  8. @ima40schic
    @ima40schic says:

    Easter sunday was like every other Sunday. We were in church everytime the doors were open, all year. We didn't have bunnies, or easter egg hunts, or easter baskets because it wasn't about that. We did have amazing choir contatas and special songs about Jesus' resurrection from the dead. And of course the church would be full because some people only attended on Easter. And the preacher would surely preach a great message about Jesus being raised from the dead, and salvation. Love the mac and cheese recipe, I'm going to have to try that one! 🙂

  9. @nanniemaeminer6882
    @nanniemaeminer6882 says:

    Mom always baked a ham with pineapple rings, cherries and cloves. We Usually had home mashed potatoes , peas , either winter squash or carrots, and Mom made the most delicious carrot pineapple jello salad. For dessert sometime she would make the apple Coolwhip lemon lime jello with chopped walnuts. Sometimes she would make lemon meringue pie and a chocolate cream pie.
    During the week she would make scalloped potatoes with the leftover ham, Delicious!

  10. @jamiekendall7245
    @jamiekendall7245 says:

    Yes we do have traditions, first when I make deviled eggs I add hellmans, spicy mustard, horseradish sauce and dill pickle juice, so delicious. As far as tradition, we make pizza grande( sweet Easter pie for dessert, stuffed artichokes as appetizer, pasta course( most times peas and ham pasta, salad , main is at times pork loin, or roasted chicken and potatoes, or grilled steaks depends on what everyone is feeling like but usually planned a week in advance.

  11. @dkortea
    @dkortea says:

    Mandy the box chopper makes quick work of the mushrooms. I had never had one but after watching you use it many times I bought one. I use it to – shall we say camouflage vegetables my husband is not a fan of – mushrooms being a big one.

  12. @darlindahamill8672
    @darlindahamill8672 says:

    I do my deviled eggs a lot like you do, but for many years I have added some “secret ingredient”
    To make secret ingredient I dump a jar of jalapeños, brine and all, into my blender. I run it on high for 3-4 minutes. I store it in the refrigerator in the refrigerator in a mason jar. I add it to lots of things, including deviled eggs, potato salad, Mac and cheese, on scrambled eggs or fried eggs. It doesn’t usually add much heat, but just a hint of the yummy jalapeño flavor.

  13. @Gnomes22
    @Gnomes22 says:

    I have 2 pickey eaters, as I've mentioned before. Just the 3 of us. Mom, dad, son, but I call him the kid. 😅
    I literally asked them today… What do you want for Easter? Silence for a bit, then I suggested ham, like we mostly do and the hubs says…well you know the prince doesn't like ham.
    I left the room.😂😂😂


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