5 DUMP & GO CASSEROLE RECIPES | Quick Dinners Made EASY | Julia Pacheco

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32 replies
  1. Cindy Janssen
    Cindy Janssen says:

    Thank you for posting this porkchop recipe😊 I ENJOY YOUR TAKE ON COOKING !!
    I used what I had on hand so what I did was I substituted the porkchops with skinlss /boneless chicken breasts and the
    "stir fried rice" "rice A roni"
    Everything else was all you πŸ‘©β€πŸ³πŸ˜‹AFTER WATCHING your video…I was able to please even the picky eaters at our family dinner granddaughters to ❀ it was really good πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š THANKS AGAIN.

  2. ike ikerson
    ike ikerson says:

    Hi ya Juila everything looks delicious my favorite is the chicken pot pie recipe yum. Keep at it you are killing it. Welp that's my time keep wild bill well fed and raise those babies up right you rock.

  3. Jane Martin
    Jane Martin says:

    Just a tip–when you're using marinara sauce and water, add the marinara first and rinse out the jar with the water so you'll get it all out! The same goes for the soup cans and the broth. I hate wasting food, especially with the inflated costs.

  4. Jon Haines
    Jon Haines says:

    Sprays cooking oil so it won't stick, proceeds to dump in four cups of water.

    I guess no one said this was a science channel, we can't expect an understanding of oil and water interactions.

  5. GracePattie
    GracePattie says:

    Your cookbook will be my go-to gift for every newlywed couple for the rest of my days! And I live in Utah, so, that's a lot of weddings. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ Thanks for all you do! πŸ’•

  6. Trish B 0805
    Trish B 0805 says:

    I really appreciate these types of vids.. I never know what to buy when it comes to dinner and my anxiety gets the better of me and I always end ordering out and spending more money I really want to try to cook but these dinners really look easy to make πŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈ

  7. Tyna Edwards
    Tyna Edwards says:

    Oh how I wish these videos and wonderful casseroles were around when my husband and I worked full time and were busy running around getting our girls to all their after school activities. These are so simple and my husband I would enjoy them now that we're retired.


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