$5 Dinners • Easy Budget Cooking • Dollar General | Walmart | Harris Teeter

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Hey y’all! In this video I took $5 to three different stores and purchased ingredients to make 3 different meals that cost only $5 each …

46 replies
  1. @amyvpierce
    @amyvpierce says:

    I absolutely LOVE watching your videos Lisa!!! You're one of the only channels I follow that I will rewatch videos just because I love watching you. (And also if I need a fix when you haven't put out a new video in a couple weeks. Lol) Keep doing what you do…we love it!! Hi to Andrew and your Mom too!! 👋

  2. @TodayWeCanTry
    @TodayWeCanTry says:

    Lisa Dawn, I love your videos. But please, check the ingredients on your chorizo. Most tube style chorizo is made from really bad, leftover from processing parts. Cacique is made of lymph nodes and salivary glands, two animal parts I dont believe anyone should be eating.

  3. @dianeshover1465
    @dianeshover1465 says:

    GREAT inexpensive meal ideas Lisa! 👍. I TOTALLY agree about “Walmart experiences” – I usually pop an ASPRIN before going in, just to PREPARE myself🥴😬🤦🏻‍♀️🤣😂😆🤣😂 LOVE your channel! Sending blessings from Maine❤️

  4. @mentatassassan
    @mentatassassan says:

    "Sweet potato down!" I laughed out loud.
    How is the new stove working out? Is the double oven worth it?
    I love how you honor your mother by having her live with you.
    I still say these companies should hire you to make a weekly flyer of meal ideas.

  5. @btolson66
    @btolson66 says:

    Not so much waiting for the paycheck I find buying the one or two meals at the closer stores is doable when you don't have a car and have to walk and carry or taking the bus. There is no way to feel safe anymore either walking around with a ton of groceries. ❤the chili Mac idea… making that if I can find everything at my dollar tree.

  6. @susanmoore8074
    @susanmoore8074 says:

    A little over a week ago I had someone dent my tailgate on my Bronco at a Walmart (my husband said I’m not allowed to shop at that one anymore). I have 4 that are between 20-30 minutes in any direction so I still have options.

  7. @sideshowtink
    @sideshowtink says:

    Really great, Lisa! I watched your video this morning and stopped at Dollar General later to get the things to make your Chili Mac. I left out the chili beans because you said they were too heavy on the cumin so with a can of Wolf's Chili ($2), diced tomatoes ($1), and a box of Mac & Cheese(85¢) I was set! I had some shredded cheddar in my fridge already so added it and served with sour cream. It was amazing!! I'll make this again!

  8. @tammybuckley3691
    @tammybuckley3691 says:

    Hi Lisa. I’m running behind on watching videos. With the budget you had, I was so impressed, I grabbed my husband to come watch the miracles you can perform with food under a very tight budget. Now he wants to see us give it a try as well. We are definitely going to be having that sweet potato bowl this week 😋 I wanted that as soon as I saw the finished product. Thank you Lisa, truly, at the rising cost of food, not to mention everything thing else, thank you for giving us something that so many homes are now struggling with 🫶🏻I hope to see you back soon. See you in the next one 💕

  9. @heathermoses6183
    @heathermoses6183 says:

    Girl, grow you some sweet potatoes with those end pieces! Put in water til they grow some slips and when it's warm enough plant the whole thing, they do well in pots. You can also carefully remove the slips and keep in water as the roots are growing and plant just the slips. 😊

  10. @anitafoss2133
    @anitafoss2133 says:

    As always, thank you so much for your time and efforts. I just love your style of cooking and your chatting while you cook. The kitchen is the heart of the home and you show how to put together a meal without 99 items and taking out a loan 😂. Please keep doing what you do, it's greatly appreciated.


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