5 Cozy Soups to Get You Through the End of Winter (Vegan)

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Today I’m showing you 5 soup recipes to help you make it through the end of winter and into spring. We can do this! Check out the …

29 replies
  1. One Pip Wonder
    One Pip Wonder says:

    Spiced Chickpea Stew w/ Coconut & Turmeric and Avgolemono Soup both look and sound awesome! Do you ever use the water from chickpeas as an egg sub?? It works like magic. I am not vegan but my niece is allergic to eggs so I use it for her sometimes. Again, I am not vegan but these soups look so good! thanks for the ideas.

  2. Hal
    Hal says:

    Absolutely fab recipes! Love it! 💜

    For the chickpea stew, turmeric issue, you could use curry powder instead and that will balance out the bitterness 😉👍

  3. MsVeGaN
    MsVeGaN says:

    Ok this sounds… ridiculous but maybe if you try cooking the Orzo like a risotto you could get the thickened stew consistency. Essentially make the soup and instead of tossing in the orzo to the pot, start a second deep dish pan with toasted orzo and ladle in the soup broth until you’re ready to combine both thickened orzo goodness and remaining broth.


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