5 Cost of Living Busting meals. Less than £1 per person! CHEAP & EASY!

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Five tasty weekday meals, made from just 500gms mince/ground lamb, serves four people. Mainly prepared in the slow …

15 replies
  1. Denise B.C.
    Denise B.C. says:

    Would the mince or anything like that freeze well w/the oatmeal in it? Ive never cooked w/oatmeal like that and Im fascinated. Thank you. And, if I have a small amount of chili left, its good over pasta for chili mac or you can make a chili pie w/it and bake in the oven w/corn bread batter over it.

  2. Mollie Daniels
    Mollie Daniels says:

    Just discovered your channel and watched all your videos. Brilliant stuff. Loved the five meals from 500gm of mince. I’ll be copying that one. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your tips and advice.
    Loved that handsome moggy in the blooper ❤


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