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36 replies
  1. Plant Based Dads
    Plant Based Dads says:

    We love you all!! Please hit like and subscribe to help YouTube recommend our videos to others. Can you believe this entire meal is about 400 calories? Still one of our favs. leave a comment below with you thoughts.

  2. Moore
    Moore says:

    I recently discovered Lundberg organic Wild Blend with black, brown, red & wild rice … so good. Your peppers look amazing. Can’t wait to try. I’ll join the others to say we love your 400 calorie meal suggestions. And whoever asked for a cookbook compilation of 400 calorie recipes 👍 Although, I think you’ve probably run out of hours in the day to create. Jane & Ann Esselstyn just posted a promising stuffed sweet potato recipe. Both stuffings look equally delicious. Thank you.

  3. Stace L
    Stace L says:

    I am so loving the 400 calorie series! Thank you so much. I forgot about your stuffed peppers and am going to meal prep this on Sunday. I hope you both have a great week. 😀🎉

  4. Bonnie Davis
    Bonnie Davis says:

    I agree with you Tim, I love sautéed veggies, I am not a big salad person and find I can eat a lot more roasted or sautéed veg. Great video, wish my hubby liked peppers and lentils!

  5. Tonya
    Tonya says:

    Such a great video. Thank you both for sharing the stuffed pepper recipe. I can’t wait to try it. I’m loving the 400 calorie meal ideas. You both are great!

  6. Phoebe F
    Phoebe F says:

    Please start compiling all your 400 calorie recipes so you can create a 400 calorie cookbook!! I would buy it! You guys are awesome and I'm loving your recipes!

  7. Lokilicious
    Lokilicious says:

    Love the inspiration! I haven't gone back to counting, it doesn't spark joy for me. But seeing what you're doing has helped keep me on track after being off kilter for over a year. So thank you!! Keep it up!

  8. Jen Wylie
    Jen Wylie says:

    Looks great! I have been inspired by your 400 calorie meals, and trying to eat a lot cleaner. The weight creeped up over the past few years, and I need to get it under control. Thanks for being an inspiration!

  9. Karen Hollingsworth
    Karen Hollingsworth says:

    Can’t wait to make this recipe, but I think I’ll substitute bulgur for rice, it’s lower in calories higher in nutrients and fiber and has a texture similar to a ground meat that will remind me of my mother’s recipe. Although, when I was a kid, this was one of my least favorite of my mother’s meals too, but I know I’ll love it now

  10. SimpleLife
    SimpleLife says:

    This looks AhhMazing!! Going on this weeks meal plan! We love stuffed peppers served with mashed potatoes. I know, lots of carbs and more than 400 cals, but so filling and comforting on a cool Fall or Winter afternoon. Really enjoy your recipes!

  11. Kelly Maltaric
    Kelly Maltaric says:

    Awesome dish guys! I’m making it tonight. FYI…if I ever saw the two of you in public I would certainly recognize you first Joey. I live in the Midwest and Tim looks like every other person here. You didn’t banter much this time, I love it when you do because your personalities really come out and it’s so hilarious!

  12. Vivian
    Vivian says:

    I started doing chronometer. Converting recipes into grams is not my super power. 3t in a T really who knew. Love it when you put chronometer on the screen because I think I'm thinking backwards about it.

  13. S D
    S D says:

    I love lentils and learning new ways to incorporate them into meals. Thank you for continuing to inspire and create such fabulous meals!

  14. Vanessa Martinez
    Vanessa Martinez says:

    Love the videos. Haven’t tried the recipes yet. In the process of transitioning to a plant based diet. I’m curious how your health has improved since the last videos you did a while back. Hoping to improve my health and wellness. Thanks!

  15. Getting Healthy With Stasia
    Getting Healthy With Stasia says:

    Okay so im pretty hungry while watching this and now off to the kitchen I go!!! Lol. Interesting facts about the wild rice, I'm going to keep that in mind. I haven't tracked my nutrition, but I feel like its so motivating to know the factors of our daily nutrition. Its amazing how much fiber we naturally get in our diet by eating this way! I have had a handful of comments on my channel from some of our shared followers LOVING your new calories-included series! These videos are excellent 😊

  16. Natasha
    Natasha says:

    Yummy! What does a Mexican squash look like. Living in the North East, I am not sure which variety you are referring too. I love all types of squash and I am sure we have it available, but we likely call it something else… Thanks

  17. Robyn Koehler
    Robyn Koehler says:

    Love seeing you both! This was another wonderful video!! Keep these videos coming! I have never had stuffed peppers, but I am going to make this recipe for sure!! Thank you both!!


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