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Hey guys! In today’s video I am sharing with you 4 extremely easy and budget friendly recipes that I made for my family.

48 replies
  1. Wendy Hearn
    Wendy Hearn says:

    Bugger…..being in Australia that is South Australia, cant buy Sloppy Joe sauce so although it can be substituted for another sauce it is changing the taste from your original meal.

  2. Glenda dale Jones
    Glenda dale Jones says:

    Outstanding,mindful and thrifty tasty meals .love tuning in. What a brilliant channel you have developed 🔥🙌🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    But,are you ok dear? Truly now. I see a struggle. I know you got a handle,I know it’s real life but sometimes,oftentimes we are on a knife edge coping.
    Isn’t there anyone that could help in sone way. Husband?? Mom ?? Sister? Friend? Can anyone offer a few hours to help you?
    You could do with a nice long pamper weekend away from everything,just you. And nice long naps. Blessings sent. With love and care,best wishes xxxx

  3. Alice Thomas
    Alice Thomas says:

    Love your videos kids & all! Ha! Where did you get that handy chopper? I need one of those. Everything looks amazing. Something quick on the table in minutes. Great job! Looking forward to more videos & recipes. Thanks for sharing! 🌹

  4. Life In The Fast Lane
    Life In The Fast Lane says:

    Love it!!! I started shelf cooking the sloppy Joe mix. Super easy & yummy.

    1 medium onion, chopped or 1/2 tsp. onion powder
    1/2 tsp. garlic powder
    5 Tbsp. ketchup
    2 tsp brown sugar
    1/8 tsp. lemon juice
    1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
    1/2 tsp. salt

  5. Kandice Gines
    Kandice Gines says:

    When I was a kid one of my favorite meals was as follows:
    Take a can of cream of chicken, put it in a bowl with 1/2 cup water or milk and cook for 3-4 minutes and stir well until heated through. We would then have it over toasted bread with some peas on the side. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was always made when money was tight, but it was so delicious and still one of my favorites.

  6. mordeys
    mordeys says:

    To beef up your chicken soup or for leftovers tomorrow make mashed potatoes and pour the soup over them. Alot of carbs but on a cold day it really does fill a teenage boys belly.


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