4 easy veg breakfast recipes | quick & healthy breakfast ideas | high protein breakfast

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20 replies
  1. Anjali Srinivas
    Anjali Srinivas says:

    The first recipe works if you have atleast an hour time to prepare and clean everything and run to work + add the time to make chutney which is clearly missing in the video. So I am thinking about your 'quick' definition. Second, having oil to fry each one of them isn't necessarily making this 'healthy'. I would rather be inclined to carry an apple on the move. The recipes are great and are popular in south indian households but not ideal for a busy morning routine (unless there is a non working individual helping with breakfast). However, I wouldnt qualify them as 'quick' or 'high protein' unless you have some sort of a measure or a comparable to describe the protein content.

    A balanced breakfast is what we need which is a combination of raw fruits and vegetables, high fibre and some diary/its vegan alternatives.

    Please avoid misleading titles to videos and misleading audience about health in general 🙂


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