394 – DITL Off Grid Kitchen, from scratch, budget, large family, monthly grocery haul – Australia

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Hey Everyone! I used up some jars of my pumpkin soup from the shelf for Mac and Cheese, and I showed how we prepare and …

45 replies
  1. @PinkPink-kn5gy
    @PinkPink-kn5gy says:

    Nyssa you keep being real. Us Ozzys are tough and could not careless about fancy . We make do and do things in our own time. Your children will be well adjusted and not pretentious like a lot. They are true Australian children. We live of the land , the children go bare foot and get dirty. Our homes are not perfect and some of us live in incomplete homes and would have it no other way. I grew up in the bush, ran though the bush, slept in the bush and played in the bush. Our home had bugs, flies and snakes. My Aunties house and our house had a hole in the floor in the hall way and none of us got hurt. I thank my Parents every single day for giving us the upbringing we had. So what I am saying is those people commenting rudely and judgementally are the ones missing out on an amazing upbringing. Ron and I lived in a fancy house most of our married like with lots of money. We now live on a pension in an old cabin with no money and minimalistic and we are the happiest we have ever been. You hold your head high and know your children are going to thank be you.

  2. @ANNtique
    @ANNtique says:

    Those people who criticize likely believe that other homestead channels, with everything perfect, are doing it all themselves and that they don’t have babysitters,yard help, homeschool help. They also have unlimited power and water and many other conveniences including garbage/recycling collection.
    One of the many reasons I enjoy this channel is that it isn’t perfect. I like hearing the kids being loud in the background because it is their home and they should be able to. I like the noisy animal
    Interruptions too!
    Is a homestead even a homestead if it doesn’t have a collection of wood, roofing, buckets and other things that are for a future project? We have plenty of all those things and however they are stored they still look messy.
    I hope you don’t let those comments get to you because you have a community here from around the world who appreciate all the hard work you (and your family) do to make your off grid lifestyle run smoothly. It will always be a work in progress but you have achieved so much in 6 years 🏆

  3. @katiebell7455
    @katiebell7455 says:

    I don’t think I would do a live video either. It’s part of protecting your kid’s privacy I would imagine. A little bit of “curating” is a sensible choice to me and I reckon you get the balance just right. Love your work and sending hugs as usual. Samantha

  4. @shellebelle53
    @shellebelle53 says:

    Nyssa you have no need to justify yourself. What you do for your family, all while off grid, is absolutely phenomenal. You are doing a wonderful job of providing for your family 😊

  5. @stoneshillhomestead2569
    @stoneshillhomestead2569 says:

    Oh Nysssa, I’m sorry, people can be so ugly! I love your channel and I am always impressed with you and your creativity/resourcefulness making meals and homesteading. Im careful about what I show on my channel too! I am self conscious about my kitchen as I see these big beautiful things on other channels but I love canning, cooking and gardening.

  6. @gillianemery8331
    @gillianemery8331 says:

    Never explain and never apologise for how you wish to live. You are the better person than anyone who is rude because they are either jealous or sadly very disillusioned with life which you and your family are not x

  7. @susanmockler6601
    @susanmockler6601 says:

    I love your property! If it was perfect I more than likely would never have subscribed. It's life. It is what it is. You and your children are happy and you have a roof over your head, food and clothing. It doesn't matter if it's all cleaned up and perfect for others What matters is it is perfect for you!

  8. @sharonburling2262
    @sharonburling2262 says:

    Oh way to go! 6 years! Congratulations! What an achievement! Did you believe at the beginning that you would have such an awesome lifestyle? You do make it look easy…. albeit a few hiccups now and then!

  9. @christinamillington2342
    @christinamillington2342 says:

    I cant ever see myself doing as much as you all do in a day. How anyone thinks that by being rude and negative helps in any way is wrong. . …
    Nyssa… You are amazing, I would happily live there. Its beautiful. Xx

  10. @sarahd4176
    @sarahd4176 says:

    Nyssa you are amazing achieving what you do. Please don't listen to those who would put you down. Renovations and yard work done on a budget and by your own hands take so much time – and from our experience, a lot of trial and error. Honestly, I am always blown away by what you manage to cook with just a bbq! I love these 'what you cook with your grocery haul' videos.

  11. @barbarastephens5807
    @barbarastephens5807 says:

    Nyssa I love that you are so transparent. You keep it real and a lot of youtubers don't do that and it's all orchestrated. It's your journey and it takes time to get things happening on your off grid property and that's what we are here for. I don't know how you do it all with homeschooling the kids, working from home and cooking etc. and battling all the elements with fires, rain, cold and heatwaves. Thanks for sharing your real life with us xx

  12. @Emsta
    @Emsta says:

    I love how realistic your house is. Its not perfect (neither is mine). Its not tidy and neat, and you don't look like you've tidied because someone is coming. You've not kicked the kids out so you can film.

    I have not found anyone else more realistic on here

  13. @Marksgran
    @Marksgran says:

    Brilliant as usual. Don’t feel pressure to do a live. It’s your channel so you can do as you please with it! One question I have is this- how do you know what to mix with what in your recipes? I tend to stick to the same recipes I know because I’m worried that I won’t like them with ‘random’ stuff added. I’m always worried I’ll waste the food if I don’t like it 🙈

  14. @doobs444
    @doobs444 says:

    Nyssa, please never feel you have to answer or talk about things you are uncomfortable about, transparency only goes so far, you are still entitled to your privacy my dear, and don’t apologize for not filming live, no one can film live and have no hiccups, children are a blessing from God so work around your children and never apologize cause they are priority. Take care and I hope you are feeling ok and your pain is not too much atm. 🙏💞

  15. @Smalltowngirl318
    @Smalltowngirl318 says:

    Don’t listen to negative people, You are Amazing and your doing a great job! When people are unhappy with their own lives they try to bring others down..
    Some people don’t realize how much work homesteading is then add on Homeschooling,cooking all meals from scratch and a job on top of that You are Awesome!!❤

  16. @Char-lei
    @Char-lei says:

    So much to say!

    First ignore rude people. I like that you are you. Not an Instagram account with a bunch of fake life posts or a bunch of look what I own. That's what keeps me coming back.

    Also anyone who has ever been on a property knows it's a very different life to suburbia. Heck I live in suburbia and we have gardening and car stuff around the yard. And you're renovating! Mess happens when renovating! Dont apologise for having kids and priorities that are far more important.

    I love that you're honest about income. With the way things are right now so many are struggling and being able to see what can be achieved is awesome. Not everyone is rolling in money although social media would have you believing that's how it is.

    Deboned chicken. I can't eat onion and garlic but my Coles sells one that is reasonable and exact the same but you can do the flavours. It's called the bare bird. I'm with you. I love them!

    Butter chicken is yummy! I admit I do rice AND Naan. Every time. Often the rice is mixed with sauce and then put on the naan. Carb heaven.

  17. @susenmorris9702
    @susenmorris9702 says:

    Never worry about what the hateful people say, they are just bored and jealous. I love your videos and think you are amazing with what you all do, so keep it up and I will always support you❤️❤️


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