300-Year Old Recipe For CLEAR MILK | Mary Rocket's Clear Milk Punch

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Let’s test this 300-year old recipe for CLEAR milk punch. Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/emmy-made/ ❤️ Subscribe: …

25 replies
  1. trucelt01
    trucelt01 says:

    It seems like this is a cottage cheese-making process. So you should be able to compress the solids and get a nicely flavored cheese from it. I think you could use the same ingredients after making unflavored cheese and just add them to the whey?

  2. Jap Perez
    Jap Perez says:

    Actually interested to know what percent of this is milk, because it's probably 80% brandy and most of the milk has curdled and filtered out. I'm just guessing lol I don't know the science.

  3. Kathy Somers
    Kathy Somers says:

    Whole milk is 3.25% fat content, not full-fat milk which would be 5% fat content… what you have made here is clarified whey and the blobs that you filtered out are cheese curds. They seem very similar to sweetened ricotta…

  4. Cathy B
    Cathy B says:

    I'm in the South, and I've never heard of it. lol.. glad you're doing well and I couldn't imagine what it's been like for you with the smell and taste. Take care!


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