30 easy meals and a treat for under $30 | budget meals | tips to make it even cheaper

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In this video, I’m sharing 5 budget family meals that I fed my family of 6 last week (5 meals x 6 people = 30 meals). The ingredients …

8 replies
  1. Jennifer D.
    Jennifer D. says:

    Bring frugal is wonderful but this seems like very low calorie meals for growing kids (and adults). The first meal looks to be around 400 calories and kids 6-12 need 1600-2000 calories per day. So they would need 4-5 meals like this to even get enough calories and it seems like they still would be missing key nutrients. Just a PSA.

  2. Leta Alexander
    Leta Alexander says:

    it was like I was sitting near you in the kitchen cooking & experimenting together ! friendly fun …
    One question – that I could google But asking you … what is the difference between fresh garlic in a jar And a garlic from the produce section ?

    Also Thanks – I never thought of pressure cooking my broth Instead I waste a Ton of electric by low simmer All Day !!!

    never too old to learn a new trick – Thanks


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