30 Day Beef Butter Bacon & Egg Challenge | Days 9, 10 & 11 | Redmond Real Salt Tasting

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0:00 Intro 0:39 Monday 3:12 Tuesday 4:53 Wednesday 6:25 Discussion 13:37 Redmond Real Salt Tasting Facebook Group …

23 replies
  1. KoolKid Keto
    KoolKid Keto says:

    Emily, I have experienced more regularity in my bathroom activities since doing BBB&E. I don't think you'd understand how exciting that is unless you've been there, lol. Who knew we'd be at the stage in our lives when we're super excited about salt. Keto life things. 😄

  2. Nancy Dubin
    Nancy Dubin says:

    Bird is singing very pretty !! My parrot must be sleeping cause she's very quiet for a change !!
    I'm with you on pricing. I'd find it very hard to spend so much for salt that I use get little of !

  3. Nancy Dubin
    Nancy Dubin says:

    Afternoon!! Salty crunch on steak?? I use fleur de sal d'estrenc ! Crunchy but slightly sweet ! It's a finishing salt, not to be used to cook with but to add "finish" to foods. Very interested in your thoughts on Redmond salt !!

  4. Rhonda Clark
    Rhonda Clark says:

    It wasn't boring. I got 1 chef and 1 hickory then tasted it and ordered the Cherry and another hickory. So darn delicious. Also, out of all the people that mentioned and demonstrated what a Sous Vide can do, You guys truly influenced me into buying one. Kinda mad at ya. Lol. Guess I won't be mad once I try it.🤣

  5. Elaine Cond
    Elaine Cond says:

    We buy playing real salt from an Amish Market store that's near us. If you have Amish market stores near you you can look and see if you can get the real salt there at a cheaper price.

  6. Waterdancer
    Waterdancer says:

    This was so packed full of content. Thank you. Congratulations on your ongoing success & health improvements. Emily I used to have a two different kinds of skin rashes at least one of which i believed was a yeast infection. Both disappeared when I started limiting carbs.
    On a sadder note very sorry for the loss of your cat. 💜

  7. blank
    blank says:

    I have been wanting ground beef for weeks…after watching you two make it and eat it plain…I cooked 3 lbs. tonight. No more shame in my game thanks to you two!


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