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In this video, I share 3 recipes in the Instant Pot that are vegan and salt, oil, sugar free. Steel cut oats, vegetable pasta and rajma. I hope you enjoy! Music Credit: …

24 replies
  1. Terika M.
    Terika M. says:

    I have a question for the vegan community: Im single and Im wondering…is it worth it getting a COSTCO membership?? are there vegan items worth while???? I'm have been going back and forth with this….

  2. Judy Dubinsky
    Judy Dubinsky says:

    You don’t soak your beans first, do you find it a bit more gassy? I don’t usually have a problem with canned beans but try to soak the dried ones. I always have beano on hand too if I am Paranoid lol

  3. Stephen Turner
    Stephen Turner says:

    Hi from Waterloo Canada (not far from where the Instant Pot originated), I just subscribed to your channel. I have had mine for 2 years or so now, and use it more days than not. Appropriately perhaps, I was just waiting for a large amount of garbanzo beans to release when I saw your post. I am not Fuhrman strict (I am a potato fanatic for example 🙂 ), but I do overwhelmingly prefer simple whole foods, and typically avoid vegan junk food (like Beyond burgers and similar). This channel looks like it might be at the right 'level' for me (I like watching avantgardevegan for example, but I am never making any of that stuff 🙂 ).


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