3 Step Method Lowers A1c from DIABETIC TO NON-DIABETIC

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36 replies
  1. Beat Diabetes!
    Beat Diabetes! says:

    Oops! We have been informed that we used way too much garlic. We didn't know the difference between a clove and a head of garlic. So use less garlic than we did. But somehow, we still enjoyed the soup. Guess we must be garlic lovers!

  2. Durga Bhawanee
    Durga Bhawanee says:

    I thought something has to be wrong when I saw how much garlic you used. Then I saw your post below and understood why! The soup looks very delicious, and I will surely try it. Always nice to see Benedicta. She reminds me of the 2020 Christmas video you both made, in which you offered prayers and encouraged newly diagnosed diabetics (like me), to have hope. I started my low carb journey in February of last year, so it has been a year. I did my A1C test on February 14th, 2022, and now have an A1C of 5.1 (reference range of 4.8-5.6), and my average BG is 100 mg/dl. My A1C was 11 when I was diagnosed. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement, and thanks for what you do to tell us about the low carb diet. There is no other way. it is a safe and healthy way to eat. I hope I can add some chili peppers to that broccoli soup!!

  3. Abdi Mohamed
    Abdi Mohamed says:

    NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO THIS VIDEO BUT SHARING SOME GOOD NEWS DENNIS. First my numbers Aug 2021 A1C 10.2 Nov 2021 A1C 6.1 yesterday Feb 2022 A1C 5.4. Weight down from 96kg in Aug to 82kg yesterday. B.P 140/95 in Aug down to 109/69 yesterday. Age 53 years
    I thank the Mighty Lord that I found this channel within a day of my shocking diagnosis on 16/08/21 So what did I change?
    1) Zero/ low carb. Junked rice, wheat and all carbs. My diet is High protein, high fat. Eggs, meats , cheese, berries , nuts etc and limited dairy especially Greek yogurt
    2) Time restricted eating. Mostly 2MAD late breakfast , early dinner no lunch works best for me. Done by 6pm kitchen closed!
    3) No snacking/grazing between meals. Might take a handful of nuts before walk or exercise

    I have watched many of your videos and read many encouraging comments. I have waited patiently to be able to add mine and boy am I happy and willing to do it. The doctor’s reaction was subdued and lacked any scientific curiosity. He used a line I have seen here often “ keep doing what you are doing. These numbers are quite normal” My testing frequency now changed to annually so long as I maintain the lifestyle which I will God willing. I didn’t join the challenge but following with interest. Thank you all! Be blessed.

  4. Crys Davis
    Crys Davis says:

    Hello Dennis and beautiful Benadicta…i make this alot in our winter…still very warm in Australia, but so look forward to it again in our winter..i do mine in soup maker 🥰

  5. Reed Shield
    Reed Shield says:

    Hi Dennis and Benedicta – I just got back from my doctor's office and could hardly wait to tell you that my A1c is down from 9.6 to 6.7. I told her about your low carb diet challenge and she was impressed with how well I am doing with it. I am still on metformin. but I am hoping that I will be off of it by the end of the challenge and that I will have an A1c well into the 5's. Thanks again for your encouragement and inspiration!! You two are a blessing!!

  6. - p
    - p says:

    This is my 2nd post since Feb 1st and today is also my Birthday! I woke up this morning with a special gift from "Mike the Meter", who has now become my friend with good news, instead of the daily bad news he used to give me. Before I tell you the good news, let me go back to the beginning of this 2022 challenge with Dennis. On Feb 1st, as requested by Dennis I got a A!c test that morning and is was a horrible 11.1. ( not to pretty as my Blood Sugar levels were out of control). As I mentioned before I had been following Dr. Ken Berry and Jason Fung, but what I didn't mention was that cheated a lot! Lesson #1 learned, you only get out what you put in for effort. So with a A1C of 11.1 (depending on what conversion chart you use, that translates to a blood sugar of 314 as an average! skip forward 18 days of following Dennis and the 2022 challenge ( no cheating). I My blood sugars now average about 195 and according to the scale my A1c is at 7.6, that's 119 points LOWER that I have come down! What a Birthday gift! Today Mike the meter informed be when I woke that my blood sugar was 107, and a 101 just before lunch! Talk about excited! I'm ready to jump out of my skin. I keep waiting for Rod Serling to announce "Welcome to the Twilight zone" Normally today on my Birthday I would be looking forward to German Chocolate cake, ice cream, maybe some pizza, and lots of snacks loaded with carbs! But instead its going to be a nice Bullet proof coffee this morning, for lunch a chicken salad and a chaffle, and tonight a nice steak, shrimp, and a keto mud cake with a candle! Lesson #2 that I learned. Getting rid of Diabetes takes time and effort. I didn't get diabetes over night, it took years of concentrated effort, eating fast food, drinking 100's of gallons of soft drinks, and lots of German chocolate cake other carbs. So with that said, Diabetes is not going to "go away" over night for me! But in 18 days, I know one thing for sure, I'm going to win this battle! with diabetes, and that's a fact you can take to the bank! Bob

  7. Med Free Diabetic
    Med Free Diabetic says:

    Mmm… Garlic soup with a hint of broccoli repels vampires and children lol Id probably love it! I would not mind receiving a soup or stew recipe from Benben 🙂 I have been craving a good okra stew, and I found a cabbage fufu recipe I want to make 🙂 Hugs

  8. Hab Som
    Hab Som says:

    Great fun, great rapport, great to see Benedicta sticking up for her man! Nice to see the effects of the dish on blood sugars too, with before and after timed readings. I love steamed broccoli with grated (shredded) cheese sprinkled over the top and allowed to melt into the broccoli so I may try the soup as I'm a fan of garlic too. Thanks for creating and uploading guys! 👍😎

  9. Doug Cook
    Doug Cook says:

    Can someone tell me . I have been checking my fasting blood sugar for about three years now is under control but each one of my fingers will give me a different reading some high some low sometimes I will check 3 fingers at a time usally I record the lower number . I tried everything I can think of .wash good tried alcohol I use a Reli on meter


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