3 Homestead PANTRY MEALS | Cooking from Scratch

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37 replies
  1. Marie H
    Marie H says:

    Yummy and healthy ! Beautiful recipes for an amazing family ! Do not throw your water from beans or any other veggies and starchy foods. It’s full of nutrients. Give it to drink to animals or give it outside to your soil. Bon appétit ! Wash your veggies into a large bassinet and throw this mix to your garden. This way, instead of clouding your pipes, and filling/fulling the water reservoirs, the soil particules return to the nature & the water irrigates it.

  2. Gail
    Gail says:

    I appreciate seeing how you use the dehydrated peppers. We have dehydrated some 2021 as well and I love seeing how others take it from pantry to table, thanks.
    Your meals look amazing 😉

  3. Havootu
    Havootu says:

    I love this channel.. Girl you are hard core..lol idk if i could can that much at the same time i dont have 4 kids lol. But if i did id probably be this hard core involved in storing food lol 😁 either way. I love how involved your kids are in the cooking process if i ever have kids i want them to eat well and know what it means to eat well for themselves when they grow up. I do want to get involved in living and eating more seasonally. I think it helps us be more grateful for all nature gives. Much love to you and your family

  4. Smith Fam Burbstead
    Smith Fam Burbstead says:

    I just found your family’s videos last week, and my sons and I have watched most of them. I wanted to leave a note letting you know how much we enjoy them, and I’m looking forward to learning sourdough from you soon. Blessings to your family!

  5. AmirTheVegan
    AmirTheVegan says:

    i love this channel HOWEVER i cannot ever ever get behind parents teaching kids that its okay to look after an animal and love them and then get it sent to be slaughtered for meat…. teaching childeren to treat animals as disposable products is nothing i want to support. when theres no real difference if you was doing to this to a dog or a cat or a horse… so bye.

  6. Bethany Nelson
    Bethany Nelson says:

    I notice you eat by candlelight, is there a special reason or you just like the softer light? Thank you for sharing how you really can just eat from your pantry and garden. You recipies look delicious.

  7. k
    k says:

    I really like how the video was put together – just talking over the cooking sounds. It reminded me that sometimes background music isn't necessary!

  8. Keith Lucas
    Keith Lucas says:

    I use a Lodge Dutch oven and have Wagner cast iron skillets from 1940's.
    We have 15 bean hamhoc & potato soup recipes passed down from the 40's during rationing and meal tickets.
    Other recipes are beef stews and hamburger vegetable soups.
    My other favorite is homemade breads like ciabattas and honey wheat.
    The same poolish or biga dough can also be used for pizza or focaccia.

  9. Wendy Hall
    Wendy Hall says:

    This was so inspirational I am looking forward to trying the chicken and bean chili recipe! Keep the recipes coming! I love your channel! You have done fantastic job makinf your videos!

  10. Anon
    Anon says:

    As an avid cook this is quite the inspiration. I’ve always thought of canning marinara and chicken stock but love the idea of growing everything. One bit of advice on cutting: most chefs hold the knife a bit differently, instead pinching the blade between your thumb and index finger and the remainder of your hand is on the handle, which gives a lot more control on the blade.


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