3 Easy & Delicious Instant Pot Recipes

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

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35 replies
  1. Variations ofME
    Variations ofME says:

    The Black eyed pea recipe never fails me!!! Made it again last night and of course it was delicious 😋😋😋 This time I made it without the celery and used 9 cloves of garlic. I never get tired of making this….Thanks for the recipe!!!! I cook mine on the stovetop

  2. Christine Lamb
    Christine Lamb says:

    That recipe for "Carnitas" tacos using trumpet mushrooms looks freakin' bomb! I never thought to use a fork to shred them, and cook them up like that, what a great tip! I actually never really knew what to do with them, so haven't really eaten them much. Now I know, so next time I'm at the Asian market, into my grocery cart they go 😁.
    Also, I really want to get an Instant Pot. I have seen so many videos using them for recipes, and I would love to be able to cook things that usually take a long time to cook, in such a short amount of time. Cool that you can saute in it before using the quick-cook feature. Love it!

  3. Sherine Clarke
    Sherine Clarke says:

    I made the Tikka Masala (but I made it Thai Red Curry instead) and it was delicious! Brillant idea to roast the sweet potato and cauliflower BEFORE adding to the dish. It resembled "chicken" Red Curry with the tempeh 😉

  4. M N
    M N says:

    Do you have an affiliate link with Instant Pot? Hubby and I have decided to purchase one because of your vid and I'd love for you to get credit.

  5. Baha Queen
    Baha Queen says:

    I 💗LOVE💗 your cookbook but I got the Kindle version…the images don’t “flow” well and there aren’t pics of all the dishes…I think I’m gonna get the hard copy…I was trying to save trees😕 if your thinking of purchasing her book…PLEASE stop thinking…it’s very much worth the investment🌹

  6. Shelita Williams
    Shelita Williams says:

    All of them look delish! LOL I've got to get me an instant pot. I'm going to try them all, instead of black eye peas I'm going to use some small fava beans I grew and see how they turn out! Thanks so much pretty lady Jenne`!

  7. bexx g
    bexx g says:

    I wanted to make beans today and couldn't decide between black eyed peas and black beans. I'm gonna take it as a sign that I just watched this and make the black eyed peas.

  8. Ericka Brown
    Ericka Brown says:

    Congratulations to you and your husband on your (no doubt) beautiful baby!!! These recipes look delish!!! Does your husband sell his music? The Masala Music (ha!) hit a nerve just right!!!!!!!! Congratulations again and God bless you and your fam!!


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