$3 Easy Chinese Meal From Scratch (Dim Sum)

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34 replies
  1. Ian Stodard
    Ian Stodard says:

    Josh, one additional thing. I tried going to your website, and the page says it is down. I am wondering if you know this? I tried multiple computers and my phone and had no luck.

  2. SheyD78
    SheyD78 says:

    I was kind of hoping there'd be some people in need to feed at that mall. Also, if you don't have enough money at the end of the week, and need more, remember this. If you need your paycheck 2 days early this week, you'll run out 2 days earlier next week. You're borrowing from yourself, and you'll wind up running out of money earlier each week. It's a payday loan by another name, and a debt trap. An overdraft is the same, it's spending money you don't have. If you don't have it now, what are you going to do later when you have even less because the money is already spent. There may be no good answer but cut spending (by making but cheaper meals perhaps) rather than borrowing from your future self and getting even more broke.

  3. Grey
    Grey says:

    hey josh, should start a series called but healthier, makin food that usually isnt considered the healthiest and give us a healthier way of making it

  4. Gabriel Schroll
    Gabriel Schroll says:

    My wife is Chinese, and "chang fen" as we know it is AMAZING! We lived just a short 45 minute train ride north of Hong Kong, and this dish was a staple for us!
    I'm totally going to make this and surprise the heck out of her this weekend!

    The other recipes? Uh, maybe a bit too complicated for lil old me, but I'm going to give the turnip cake a try, because they're quite delicious.

  5. michael abell
    michael abell says:

    Stop talking so damn fast. I know you want to pack as much as you can in the video at a short watchable tutorial. But it puts people off. You are great, you got it ,but maybe some like it this way! Too fast. And European measurements? We want pinches, knobs and Tsps! 😢❤❤you good.

  6. freakcan
    freakcan says:

    It is seems weird to call it turnip cake, when there are no turnips in it.
    I never heard of Cheung Fun with mushrooms. I usually have it with meat such as beef, pork or shrimp.


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