3 Easy 15 Min Japanese Spaghetti – Revealing Secret Recipes!

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How to Make 3 Easy Japanese Spaghetti (Pasta)! Each only takes 15 minutes! So simple and quick recipe:) It’s perfect for your …

23 replies
  1. Mahina
    Mahina says:

    I’m so happy to come across your YouTube channel. I’m not crazy about cream sauce and my husband can’t handle tomato sauce. This reminds me of the fusion dishes. I think it was Chinese or Vietnamese food with pasta. I’ve been wanting to cook them but I didn’t know how. Thank you for sharing 😀

  2. re jn
    re jn says:

    Cream is really expensive in the USA also for your average person. In the past when I’ve been really low on money and could never afford cream I would sometime use Single serving creamers That went with my coffee to go At the coffee shop. I’ve also used powdered coffee creamer and water :-).

  3. Cherie Bargery
    Cherie Bargery says:

    Onions… I'm not too lazy to dice or slice them, but they make me cry from the smell while I'm handling them. And no, I've never had, I don't think, peeled tomatoes. In Australia, we call those wiener sausages, just sausages, but when I lived in the USA, they either call them wieners in the northern states or hot dogs everywhere else. All the recipes look good, but I can't do cream or milk as I'm allergic. Thank you for sharing!

  4. KatKaleen
    KatKaleen says:

    I don't peel fresh tomatos, but when I buy chopped tomatos in cans, I make sure to get the peeled ones. No idea why, but sometimes it seems there is more skin than tomato in the other cans.
    These are certainly nice recipes to add to my repertoire!
    About the "wiener sausage", I'm from Germany, and we have "wiener sausage" here, too, but it looks a little different. You can get it fresh from the butcher, in jars, vaccum-sealed, and they come as long, thin sausages and as mini sausages. The biggest difference seems to be that ours are more finely minced/ground. They're just pink on the inside, while with the ones you're using, you can still make out the meat fibers and the little flakes of fat. I imagine they taste very similar, but have a bit more chew to them.

  5. Anyuta Sanchez
    Anyuta Sanchez says:

    Usually for all tomato based sauce recipes one will need to peel tomato. Because ones the heat make tomato to sweat, the peel starts to separete from flesh and it's not as pleasant to eat. The exception is for fresh tomato sauces, where no much heat is applied. 👍
    I like the pasta dishes without heavy sauces, it let's you savour the pasta itself. Also I like better fresh pasta instead of hard version.
    Always enjoy watch you cooking! Arigatou gozaimasu!

  6. Iplay Badguys
    Iplay Badguys says:

    I never peel tomatoes, and I rarely see spinach that big. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that sausage, and I know I’ve never seen the giant green onion you used some times. Love your videos 🙂

  7. Sam Dewhurst-Phillips
    Sam Dewhurst-Phillips says:


  8. Violet VanDusen
    Violet VanDusen says:

    Thank you so much for this! I've always been curious about Japanese spaghetti dishes. I've made butter shoyu before (but with shrimp and mushrooms) and I can't wait to try the others.

    Something I've learned that someone else may like to try:

    For the last recipe (butter shoyu) if you need to cut down on sodium, I make it for my mother using coconut aminos (C-As) instead of soy sauce. We actually like it better this way even though we both really love soy sauce. It's not the traditional flavor but we think the C-As go really well with the other flavors. However, I suggest reducing (steaming out half the water content in a pan) to give the C-As a deeper flavor and better consistency.


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