3 Canner Meat Sauce Marathon

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We do one last test of the Italian Meat Sauce (Spaghetti Sauce with Meat) in 3 different canners–the Presto 23 quart standard pressure canner, the Presto Digital …

20 replies
  1. Savannah V
    Savannah V says:

    Can you give your thoughts on the spaghetti sauce without meat recipe in the USDA book? Tomatoes and vegetables pressure canned for 20-25 minutes, depending on size of jar without the added citric acid? Also the instructions say to boil until thick enough for serving consistency, what ever that means. Volume will be reduced by nearly one-half. Stir often to avoid burning (seems to describe a rather viscous liquid). USDA states that straight tomato sauce is not acidic enough to can without adding citric acid. With the added citric acid it is pressure canned for 15-20 minutes, yet add high PH foods (mushrooms can for 45 minutes) and no citric acid process for 20-25 minutes!?! I agree with the additional time on the meat sauce, I always can for the longest time based on ingredients which created my questioning the without meat sauce recipe and instructions. Thank you for any clarification you may have on this recipe!

  2. MsMary
    MsMary says:

    Regarding the Presto Digital Canner: Are you saying that the sauce was NOT in the “Kill Zone” during the 90 minutes processing time? Your marking seems to indicate the “Kill Zone” time AFTER processing. Please explain. Thank you.

  3. Vera Op de Beek
    Vera Op de Beek says:

    Dear RoseRed,
    I have a question.
    Do you know how to can sweetened condensed milk?
    I make it myself:
    710ml whole milk, 1 cup granulated sugar and 1 tsp salt.
    And I would like to keep it stored.

  4. Donna Christianson
    Donna Christianson says:

    Pam, I would always opt for my stove top canner over an electric one. The electric ones fluctuate too much. Even though you showed that it got up to the “kill zone“ long enough, you cannot be sure that it would do that every time you use it. With a stove top canner you can tell by the gauge and the regulator that your pressure does not fluctuate. For that reason, I would not use an electric canner to pressure can. I do appreciate your taking the time to do this test. I found it very interesting, but I am going to stick with my All American stove top canner. It has never failed me🤗. Thank you for teaching a very important skill that many today have no idea how to do.

  5. M B
    M B says:

    Hi Pam,
    Thank you for all the hard work you have done.

    Is it possible to extend the processing time so that the kill zone time would be the time required..ie…Presto digital 6 min +14mins. to increase kill zone time…Nesco 13 mins + 7 mins.=20 mins….Thanks for yours thoughts!

  6. Homesteading in North Florida
    Homesteading in North Florida says:

    Thanks for the data! Makes me wonder why the manufacturers would not test their canners against approved recipes. I sent my Nesco back. The 8 cup mark in the liner is actually 12 cups, that lack of quality control wasn't very assuring. It also puffed out almost 4 cups of water during a quart canning session. My A/C and my kitchen ceiling weren't happy with that. It's sad, because I was really looking forward to a small canner.

  7. xanadu1jw
    xanadu1jw says:

    Now I’m worried that my quart jars I canned almost 4 years ago of raw chunked beef and raw bone-in chicken on my glass top stove with a regular pressure canner might not be safe. And on top of that I read on the side of a box of canning jars the other day that the lids are only good for 18 months when I thought they were supposed to be good for several years. I was in a quandary also whether to get the presto electric canner or a freeze dryer. I think this has made my decision much easier though the freeze dryer price is really throwing me for a loop.

  8. Caroline Link
    Caroline Link says:

    You are an amazing woman taking your time to test procedures for safe canning not to mention the cost for gadgets and such and then to let everyone know your results. I wish I could bless you the way you have blessed us (your viewers) but sadly I am not able to. I do want you to know that I do pray for you to get the blessings that I am not able to provide. I havent been canning very long and I get so much enjoyment and a feeling of security from it knowing that my family and I have the things I have canned in this time where I feel insecure in the things happening in this world. Thank you and your husband so much and may GOD BLESS!!!


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