3 BREAKFAST EGG RICE BOWLS l 1-Minute Vs. 10-Minute Vs. 1-Day!

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1-Minute Vs. 10-Minute Vs. 1 Day Egg Rice Bowls 1. Korean Egg Rice Bowl (Gyeranbap) 2. Beef Soboro Don 3. Korean …

25 replies
  1. Ume
    Ume says:

    Whaaat?! This is the first time I’ve seen Claire NOT clear a big bite! 🤯 But I know it’s just because the egg fell off. I felt like she needed another chance to redeem herself. I know she can do it! 😆

  2. lexica510
    lexica510 says:

    Ooh, #3 (which sounds AMAZING) would be pretty easy to pack in the morning for a work desk breakfast, for those of us who don't enjoy eating too early in the morning.

  3. James D'Arcy
    James D'Arcy says:

    thanks for this video, I'm just getting into asian cooking and love these simple videos I can follow 🙂 I hope I can find some kimchi, I've never tried it before

  4. t
    t says:

    Hi! I have a question about the rice. I would love to make this for breakfast but rice typically takes at least 10-20 minutes to cook? Do you use leftover rice for these dishes? How do you heat it up? In the microwave?

  5. Rochelle C.
    Rochelle C. says:

    1st bowl I was thinking spam would be perfect too. Me being half korean my mom would always give it to me like that for breakfast when I was growing up in Busan. I sometimes still eat that combination when I don't feel like cooking and want to keep it simple haha

  6. Bear
    Bear says:

    I've been sick for a couple days and ran out of eggs; now I know Aaron has affected my egg consumption, missing the fried egg on top of my meals! 😁

  7. Fe Kramer
    Fe Kramer says:

    I just made the beef and egg breakfast and it is so delicious. OMG. Thank you so much. I like your recipes because it so easy simple and delicious. Will keep watching.

  8. Sassycatz
    Sassycatz says:

    Questions: Why would you cook the scrabbled eggs before the meat? I would think that the scrabbled eggs would be less likely to hold up sitting aside, not eaten. Secondly, was that final egg yolk raw? I assumed cook, but you seemed to talk about some people being reluctant to eat it.


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