2kk weekly livestream, November 4th | Answering you Keto/Carnivore Questions

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Kamado Joe Jr on sale: https://bit.ly/KamadoJr Electric Blackstone: https://bit.ly/electricBlackstone https://www.thegoodlovinbar.com/discount/2krazyketos Ice …

33 replies
  1. Heather Lomax
    Heather Lomax says:

    I've purchased food and either a hot cocoa or coffee (whichever they would want) for the person ringing the bell in front of Wal-Mart. I live in Illinois so we get snow and I would feel sorry for them working so long in the cold.

  2. Heather Lomax
    Heather Lomax says:

    Where oh where oh where is Shadow? My son Austin loved that show. My daughter told me, now that she is older, she didn't like shadow, that it weirded her out. Austin loved Blues Clues too. I used to buy 3×5 cards on a spiral for him and he would use a big fat crayon and scribble clues on it. It was so cute. Micaela, my daughter, loved Out of the Box. She has always been creative.

  3. Elangomatt
    Elangomatt says:

    Poor Joe and the audio issues on at the beginning. He tries so hard to get things right but weird things still happen sometimes. Thanks again to you guys for remind me about Texas de Brazil, I need to make a trip to the one nearby soon!

  4. Pat Dyer
    Pat Dyer says:

    I don't think this one counts but I am making a daily comment just in case.

    I have decided that for my daily comment, I am going to post things that I have heard Rachel say that have really impacted me and I repeat to myself when I need reminders .
    Because every day, I just want to Be More Like Rachel. #shirt

    "Labels matter—don't label yourself in a negative way."

  5. Gale Herrick
    Gale Herrick says:

    I love you guys and thanks for being my Keto family. You are so encouraging. I am playing catch-up and binge-watching the past week's videos. I just got home from the hospital. I am recovering from an auto accident on Oct.31st. I was T-boned. I have a broken ankle plus 2 more bones on my left foot, broken a bone in my right knee with a torn meniscus and ACL. Plus three ribs, right side. I would love to win the indoor Blackstone. I love the outdoor one, that you recommended. It is getting cold here now in upstate NY, so I won't be using that one much longer this year. I am so thankful, for you two and my 2krazyKetos family. God bless ❤


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