2kk Weekly Livestream March 10th | Break your keto stall | Stop running in circles on your diet

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Kim Howerton video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0c6TI2nZyc&t=1s Keto Chow: https://2krazyketos.org/Ketochow

46 replies
  1. Brian Foster
    Brian Foster says:

    I see more evidence that Joe is slipping Rachel decaffeinated coffee. In those statements where she’s talking about stores it could have rapidly turned in to chaos confusion and mayhem if she had been on her full dose of caffeine. Lol

  2. Toni Johnson
    Toni Johnson says:

    I love bacon in my Air Fryer! Delicious! San Antonio has so much to see and do. I spent a month there when my daughter lived there. We definitely thought about moving there in retirement, but my daughter and her family moved back to Phoenix.

  3. Joe Random
    Joe Random says:

    Regarding stevia, I've gone hypoglycemic drinking stevia with green tea. It was brief, but it does happen. The brain does weird things when it thinks it's getting sugar but nothing is actually coming in.

  4. Deborah Rafferty
    Deborah Rafferty says:

    I made BBBE chili using a tube of chorizo to 2 lbs ground beef. It was perfect to me, a bit spicy, still, for my husband. I add all beef hotdogs for chili dogs, also delicious!

    It wasn't my original idea to use chorizo. I saw it on YouTube, but I can't remember from who, was it 2kk's idea? I think the second one was CarnivorousChef.

    My mom could also gum her food like a pro. She never did get dentures, although she wanted them at first. Joe, so sorry! I also have dental issues, and not a pretty smile because of them. I agree with Rachel, I like to see you genuinely smile. Smile more!

    Love you both 💕

  5. Sky
    Sky says:

    Wasnt able to catch the live today……phooey! But wanted to know your process for using scrambled eggs. Just scramble them in a pan or scramble them in the blender? Is there a link to a video to watch? Thanks!!

  6. Donna White
    Donna White says:

    I’m flying from Phoenix to San Antonio on Tuesday to see my son and his family, then driving to Austin on Thursday evening. Then flying home from Austin. The drive can be anywhere from 90-120 minutes due to traffic. Haven’t booked lodging yet. Lived in Round Rock (just north of Austin) over 30 years. Thanks for the ticket discount!

  7. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    Love that Rachel showed up at the dentist to support her Joe! That's love people! Even tho I'm a tad older I want to be just like Rachel when I grow up. I like to break out into song I just get looks that say "please don't" But most of the time I am alone with headphones on so I can't hear myself, at least the enthusiasm and joy is there!

  8. Inglis 70
    Inglis 70 says:

    ## CHRIS BLAIR only New Zealand citizens are allowed into NZ at the moment – June/July the Govt is allowing non NZ Citizens in – this is why their is no plane tickets to come and visit us right now – We are looking forward to getting our tourist back

  9. Francis Vlatko
    Francis Vlatko says:

    Funny story – my partner lost one of his rabbit teeth when he was a young adult. He broke his tooth off the denture plate an hour before my sister's wedding. I said you better fix it as I ain't looking at photos with your gappy smile forever after. Super glue to the rescue! He replaced it with a metal one but I made him get an implant because he couldn't bite into anything still. They used coral for the bone graft and it was the best thing he ever did. No more food stuck under the plate, forgetting it, whistling and dry mouth at night. Bonus, he can now bite into food. He did loose his volume control party trick. Thoroughly recommend.

  10. Angie
    Angie says:

    I wish tracking aps had a voice option linked to Alexa where you could just tell it what you ate and how much and then later in the day double check that it captured everything right.

  11. Paul Price
    Paul Price says:

    London has now petrol prices of £2.19 per litre, which translates for you guys to over $14 a gallon. We don't celebrate St Patrick's day here, in Wales we have our own patron saint David and St David's day is celebrated on the first of March


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