24 Meal Prep Lunches in 2 Hours!

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24 Meal Prep Lunches in 2 Hours- Sick of eating the same thing for lunch 4 days in a row? You need a freezer stash of meal prep lunches! My freezer lunch …

27 replies
  1. Classic rock Lover
    Classic rock Lover says:

    If you use your chopping knife to push/scrape things off your cutting board, flip it over, so the dull (non-cutting edge) is making contact with the board. Otherwise, in time, using the sharp edge to scrape against the cutting board will dull your knife.

  2. Lisa Ruffin
    Lisa Ruffin says:

    I've watched a lot of people do, or try to do what I saw you do. I'm just saying I subscribed to your channel and I liked and commented ๐Ÿ’–. I love what you made and it's easy the way you showed me how to do it ๐Ÿ˜˜

  3. Harleen Grewal
    Harleen Grewal says:

    Loved this video, so glad to find your channel. I make quinoa every week for lunch the same way in my Instant pot very similar recipe too. What kind of freezer do you use to store your cooked meals?

  4. marcie hall
    marcie hall says:

    Wonderful to have some healthy, easy, freezable lunch recipes. I hate cold lunches except for salads in the summer. I get so tired of top ramen or soup all winter long. Love your channel.

  5. Elly Beint
    Elly Beint says:

    So good to see someone else does this! Iโ€™ve always cooked multiple meals and portions to freeze so that when I get home from work there is hardly anything to do but a home cooked meal ready in minutes! People say Iโ€™m boring, I just think Iโ€™m organised!! Thanks for sharing this. X


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