21st Century Farm Wife + Survivor Pantry Meals ~ House Keeping ~ (NEW) House Products

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Milk machine: https://miomat.co/?ref=dV2_Ioar6iAr Coupon Code texasboys for $15 off Measuring Cups and Spoons Set of 12 …

28 replies
  1. 511eden
    511eden says:

    Please look into the oat milk more. I have read so much about the acid it contains being very bad for health. Our bodies don't have the ability to break it down. It is very bad for your teeth/ bones etc. Oats should be soaked like other grains and nuts and the water/ milk, should be poured off. Look into soaking, sprouting for health. That milk is full of anti nutrients etc. and are not health promoting. Coconut milk would be a safer and more healthful option.
    Take care

  2. Jeanette At Home
    Jeanette At Home says:

    What did you call those flakes you said you put in your berry smoothie? I feel like I’m not getting enough iodine since I exclusively use real salt without iodine. Thanks. And, I just love coming along on your day in the life videos! I feel like we just had a girl’s friends day! 😊

  3. Chenning Peng
    Chenning Peng says:

    You have such a calm and peaceful demeanor. My daughter and I were diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a year ago. Your story has been an encouragement to me! I love your green top – where is it from? So pretty!

  4. Becca Scraps
    Becca Scraps says:

    I wish I got fixed hooks for mine! One thing you’ll have to watch out for is, not all utensils are hangable, so I have a drawer that holds ones that can’t be hung. And getting the kids to actually hang them when it’s easier to toss them in the bottomless pit that is the big utensil drawer 😂😂😂

  5. Rowes Rising
    Rowes Rising says:

    I feel like doing a pantry challenge for a month. This is inspiring. Te is so relaxing. Just something so cozy about it. I have a cup in bed every night to wind down. Thank you for sharing your day!

  6. make it_prep it_eat it
    make it_prep it_eat it says:

    Great video!! I Will be using a jar of ground beef I pressure canned up last month for my hubby and daughter for taco.. I Will be having a Plantbased option for mine. I also made up.oat milk this morning just using my blender and I do strain mine use a nut milk strainer. I then made homemade veggie stock from veggie scraps I been saving in my life instant pot then I'm planning bon pressure canning some for our pantry.. I did grab 10 lb bucket of rolled oats from augsons farm foe 30% off. I have an order 10 lb coming still also 30% off.. You should check their site out. Love to the whole family and Bless you all!!

  7. Laura T
    Laura T says:

    Love this video! I always enjoy seeing how others use their pantry foods. I'd love to see some of your favorite recipes/meals for your Instant Pot. I just bought one recently and I'm having fun learning how to use it. I'm sure you have lots of ideas! Many thanks! <3


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