21 Day Fix Beginner Food Prep Using Instant Pot

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I just got an Instant Pot which I love! I wanted to show people how to do a super easy food prep of chicken, Brown rice and carrots all prepared using the Instant …

32 replies
  1. Neena Me
    Neena Me says:

    Can you steam the rice and put in the trivet and then put carrots in a bowl on the trivet then set timer for carrots and then get them out and keep cooking the rice for the required time? I think I don’t see the time saving of this product unless this can be done. I could have cooked the rice in one pot, the carrots are steamed over the poaching chicken…all at the same time on my stove top. All up approx 30mins. I only ask because I have been looking at getting an IP but am not convinced of the time saving abs most of the meals I like are usually Stir fry or one pan type meals that all take 30-40 mins max. Thank you for your time and very interesting to watch.

  2. Lynne Palumbo
    Lynne Palumbo says:

    Hi there, thanks for the video. Just an FYI, you may want to switch from plastic containers to glass. Plastic mimics estrogens in the body so if you have any issues with hormone related cancers this could be a problem. More of a problem with hot foods. Not judging just like to spread the word since my diagnosis 🙂

  3. Sean Armao
    Sean Armao says:

    The little cups you used in the end to measure out the portions, where did you buy those? And what were the serving amounts? I am going to do this exact thing for my instant pot I just bought today as my first project 🙂


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