200 Meals for $160 | Budget Friendly Meals | Emergency Grocery Budget Meal Plan

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This meal plan includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for 2 FULL weeks. That’s 14 days of meals for around $160. Some of …

9 replies
  1. Lennox Raynewood
    Lennox Raynewood says:

    I have not seen hotdogs sold for .89 cents at any grocery store around me for over five years and a package of chicken thighs like that one is @ $18 to $22 where I live in Canada, the price of one whole chicken was $23.49 cents and a bag of potatoes was $7.99 the last time I went grocery shopping. Always grateful though that their is food on the shelves every week to buy.

  2. Shelia Peters
    Shelia Peters says:

    Chalupa dough do you like that ineould love to learn to make it i fo like pork i would to try some kind of an enchilada using like a pulled pork any ideas ? I like 75 a week is a good one just an idea . I made muffins this week too and banana bread .


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