20 Foods That Have Almost 0 Calories

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Here are 20 of the BEST WEIGHT LOSS FOODS! These foods will help you get rid of that belly fat and get shredded. Fat-burning …

22 replies
  1. Gravity Transformation - Fat Loss Experts
    Gravity Transformation - Fat Loss Experts says:


    1. Researchers found that if you have overweight people eat two cups of watermelon daily, they generally end up consuming fewer calories than they otherwise would, causing them to lose fat over time.

    2. “This study shows that reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and blood pressure can be achieved through daily consumption of watermelon, which also improves some factors associated with overweight and obesity”

    3. If you blow up a balloon inside someone’s stomach it decreases the experience of hunger, which is why filling the stomch up can aid with weight loss.

    4. Research indicates that cucumbers may help reduce and control blood sugar levels, which is beneficial because it might reduce hunger cravings caused by irregular blood sugar levels.

    4.5 "a single gelatin meal induces a rise in plasma GLP-1 followed by an increase in serum levels of insulin. These findings may be applied to maximize satiety in obese patients"https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18319637/

    5. Aside from aiding weight loss, celery might be especially beneficial for males. One animal study found that supplementing with celery leaf extract increased sperm production, which is beneficial for fertility.

    6. Data also indicates that celery might aid blood pressure control, likely because it contains nitrates.

    7. High blood pressure has been consistently linked to erectile dysfunction.

    8. Just like cucumber, research indicates that zucchini might help reduce and regulate blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for managing hunger cravings.

    9. Frequent water consumers take in 9% fewer calories.

    10. It’s especially beneficial to drink that water before your meals. One study found that drinking 500 milliliters of water 30 minutes before breakfast lowered calorie intake by 13%.

    11. Peters et al compared the effects of water and water sweetened with zero-calorie artificial sweeteners on weight-related outcomes over a 12-week weight-loss period, followed by a 40-week weight maintenance period (full-year study).

    12. “These results suggest that NNS beverages can be an effective tool for weight loss and maintenance within the context of a weight management program.”

    13. Artificial sweeteners are generally not harmful if you don’t take in more than the maximum recommended amount, as shown by a wide range of studies.

    14. Walden farms dressings:

    15. “Twenty-four subjects (2 males, 22 females) 20 to 55 years of age consumed 2 kiwifruits 1 hour before bedtime nightly for 4 weeks.”

    16. “Kiwifruit consumption may improve sleep onset, duration, and efficiency in adults with self-reported sleep disturbances.”

    17. Research from the University of Rhode Island showed that people who chewed gum consumed 68 fewer calories at lunch and did not compensate by eating more later in the day.

  2. Drop Weight Without a Gym
    Drop Weight Without a Gym says:

    This video could last 5 hours with all the super low calories foods out there. With the hundreds of fruits and veggies out there and drinking water before each meal. It amazes me how a lot of people claim that they can't find any healthy food to fill up on. I mean… eat your high calorie meal, but replace one serving with an apple or eat more soup… water based of course. Instead of fried wings, get the naked wings. thin crust pizza (replace some of the meat with more veggies), etc etc etc.. Weight loss can be easy, but there are tons of distractions and body issues and stress that you have to factor in.

  3. Alexy Kesteloot
    Alexy Kesteloot says:

    you forgot something about sweetener , in the body they are broken into formol ( which is something used to conserv human/animal tissues for research , so not good at all for the body ) and it is trusted to be a cause of cancer .

  4. Jared Prince
    Jared Prince says:

    Konjack (shirataki) is awesome, it's the base of my diet when I'm trying to lose some weight. It soaks up flavours really well, so go nuts with the spices and maybe a tiny bit of oil like sesame or lite sour cream.

  5. JStone
    JStone says:

    Kiwi Fruit are nice but I've gone anti towards it the last 10yrs I've slowly started to reject Kiwi Fruit I don't know why but in last 10yrs my stomach isn't holding it down very long then I get sore chest this why I've started moving away from Kiwi Fruit

  6. JStone
    JStone says:

    I definitely don't like rice at all now unless it's disguised in something else it's another food I used to eat love and want to eat but that all changed afew years ago I started getting anti eat problems and I started to regurgitated rice I stopped eating it from then I wasn't holding down long enough only to spew it back up so yeah nomore rice for me

  7. JStone
    JStone says:

    I don't like cucumber at all but if it's disguised then I could eat it something about cucumber I don't like a get numb tongue and I feel like I wanna spew


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