2 Years On The Carnivore Diet My Life Changing Milestones

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My second year into carnivore brought two of the biggest changes since losing over 100 lbs! I had quit coffee, and my allergies are …

28 replies
  1. Phoenix Spirit
    Phoenix Spirit says:

    I'm day 2 into week 4 of Carnivore. I have been cooking my eggs in bacon fat (rather than butter) because I already have the bacon fat left over and ….minimal 😊. Today, I was having leftover bacon and decided to cook my eggs in butter. Suddenly butter tastes sweet to me. Has anyone else had that happen or is it me ? I never thought butter was sweet before ( even though it's labled as sweet cream butter). I really think my senses are becoming renewed/ revived. I noticed over the past couple days , my sense of smell is also heightened. These are sudden and welcomed , yet unexpected changes.

  2. teedog427
    teedog427 says:

    55 days in and my allergies are gone no itchy watery eyes my sinus are clear I'am 74 years old, lost 30 # so far and feeling more energy, this is life changing, also OMAD 20-24 hrs a day.

  3. Cenot4ph
    Cenot4ph says:

    why do you need to quit coffee? there are actually benefits to coffee as long as you don't drink large quantities. I'd say keep the coffee in the morning block and 90 minutes after you wake, you'll have no sleep side effects

  4. AbeIsMean
    AbeIsMean says:

    I never liked coffee, I never will, but I do love coffee flavored desserts like tiramisu and coffee flavored ice cream. Now I can't (or shouldn't) have either 😭. My only real complaint so far (only a week in), apart from not eating all those delicious carb heavy foods, is beef liver… 🤢🤢🤢🤮. No amount of bacon grease or salt could save it. My dog sure liked it though. Haven't tried chicken liver yet, but I am most definitely not looking forward to it 😂. I think I'll just take a supplement instead.

  5. Lioness Hiker
    Lioness Hiker says:

    Great insights! I am two weeks in. I look forward to hopping out of bed easily. Haven’t had candy in years. I have repeated over and over “sugar is poison” so I am not tempted.

  6. Dean Humphreys
    Dean Humphreys says:

    i noticed the same things. once u start eating well once u try something bad for u it just doesnt taste good anymore. I cant even stand the taste of processed microwavable foods anymore. they taste much worse then I remember them. Ive been doing Carnivore 3 years and finaly gave up dairy about a month ago and what a huge difference that has been. I feel so much better without dairy. one thing I haven not been able to give up is coffee. Im just damn addicted to it.

  7. wakeupsheep
    wakeupsheep says:

    I'm very fortunate in that I live my life by my body clock. I go to bed early in the evening and wake up naturally, usually around five and a half hours of sleep. I've reaped many benefits from the Cornivore lifestyle. It's absolutely amazing and I can't explain it to a non-Cornivore. As far as drinking expresso, I'll never give it up.

  8. ACinFla
    ACinFla says:

    I enjoy the pork rinds for the crunch.
    Eating meat I miss the crunch of food.
    Kinda weird but true
    My hardest thing to give up was sweet tea
    Drank a gallon a day some days
    Drinking plain water was hard to get used to so I did lemon water for a month or so and now it’s just water.
    I do still drink coffee with nothing in it. That was tough at first.

  9. mark marcinik
    mark marcinik says:

    I’m more or less carnivore , no coffee , no addictions but I’m not afraid of “safe” veggies that have probiotic value. Since veganism destroyed my digestive system I’m finding that is has healed with carnivore and fermented foods. I wish I could figure about the milk aspect since I’m using it to try to maintain my weight since I’m underweight now.

  10. Lisa Hause
    Lisa Hause says:

    So true about the pork rinds…i got one of two pet dogs addicted to them…giving her more than I actually eat …yikes( I created a munching little monster)oh geez, i feel so awful! I’m know I have to completely eliminate them from my life! I will also try to quit coffee too! Thanks, Chad!

  11. LvR
    LvR says:

    I noticed the same with allergies. As I got older they appeared to get worse. Within a month of carnivore it was one of the things I noticed…no itchy eyes or woozy head.

  12. Driving Guy Idaho
    Driving Guy Idaho says:

    I could never give up coffee. The physical, psychological, and even emotional lift I get is great. Also my dad and I have stopped drinking and smoking so our coffee together is special. But we have cut back so it's more of a treat now.

  13. LooneyVille
    LooneyVille says:

    The thing that you are missing which is very important to satiety is saturated fat which incorporates stearic and palmitic fatty acids which make you feel full and not want to snack. It has to do with the reverse electron transport on the level of the mitochondria. Cooking in butter and looking for fattier beef, the more thick the fat is to the touch (much like wax) the more stearic fatty acids it has. Paying attention to the fats used in food/cooking is what regulates satiety. I can even eat french fries (fritjes) cooked in butter and stay in ketosis and lose weight even though I ate carbs.
    Pork rinds are a great snack, but because the pig is not a ruminant, the omega-6 rich fatty acids it was feed with corn/soy it has a ton of it in the fat, that will make you hungry.
    Ruminant animals, like cattle, goat and sheep have biohydrogenisation process in their stomachs which turns unsaturated fats into saturated fats, which when we consume make us feel full, satiated.

  14. chargermopar (The 40 year carnivore)
    chargermopar (The 40 year carnivore) says:

    I had to look up what Swedish Fish was. The only "Swedish" thing I remember as a kid was the Sweden House Smorgasbord. I see that's some kind of nasty duck food. As an extremely long term carnivore it's so disgusting to taste anything sweet, even a steak which has a steak sauce added without my permission. You will see me outside scrubbing it with a brush while flooding it with a garden hose. By the way I cut palm leaves and do yard work often- never felt sore after. Didn't know that was a thing! No alarm clock here either.


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