2 High Protein Recipes Under 500 Calories / WFPB

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Today I will be sharing with you 2 whole food plant based recipes that are high in protein and gluten free and under 500 calories!

26 replies
  1. @createwithconfidence8094
    @createwithconfidence8094 says:

    I am 63. I know I need to add in more protein and I have always been aware that through beans and lentils, tofu and tempeh, I can increase protein in most meals. I think I will buy a vegan protein powder for a morning smoothie or add in to my oats. I work out three to four days a week and even with that activity, my weight has redistributed and I don't like the way my body feels at this moment. I really felt great 20 pounds lighter a year ago but keeping that weight off was difficult. Keep on making your videos. There are some types of vegans who do need a different makeup of nutrients. I also began adding in an amino supplement.

  2. @KarenTipping189
    @KarenTipping189 says:

    Thank you 😊 I always remind myself that health and wellness is of vital importance without it we have nothing and making an effort is totally worth it. Fab high protein recipes here I can't wait to try that lush pasta dish

  3. @ljohnson9054
    @ljohnson9054 says:

    I couldn’t agree more about the protein. I have also decided to up my protein and increase resistance training and I feel amazing! Wish I had done this sooner. Keep those recipes coming! Making the soy curl one tonight 😊

  4. @janiegulick5674
    @janiegulick5674 says:

    😁. Oh boy! I need to order some more soy curls, love those things. Your recipe is so easy and looks delicious, actually both recipes. Thank you again and hope you stay dry. The rain is starting here now

  5. @bettyspence9992
    @bettyspence9992 says:

    😊 I’m in my 70’s and like that you are adding extra protein to the starch solution recipes! Do you have a blog where I can save them? For some reason I cannot copy and paste from here. Thanks for sharing❤


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