2 Easy Protein Packed Random Recipes / Plant Based

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Today I will be sharing with you 2 easy protein packed random recipes that are so yummy. The first recipe was inspired by …

26 replies
  1. @hidden909
    @hidden909 says:

    Random, I love Broccoli Mum too, I just made her chocolate cookie, but it was a little microwave stale feeling, if you know what I mean. I’m going to try your recipe too, but maybe experiment with swapping a few things too. I’m dying to try that waffle, but I don’t have a waffle iron yet!

  2. @dbdowst
    @dbdowst says:

    Thank you so much for these terrific easy recipes. Question about your waffle maker, did you have any trouble with your waffle sticking? Also, could you link the one that you used please?

  3. @davidthescottishvegan
    @davidthescottishvegan says:

    These 2 random recipes look 😋 & so easy to make. Good modifications to the recipe from broccoli mum (good to be inspired by others). Thanks Debi for sharing another awesome video and love 🥰 it. Love ❤ Debi.

  4. @alidapc
    @alidapc says:

    I made Broccoli Mum's waffle recipe when she posted it on YT, personalized it & enjoyed it. As it turns out for dinner tonight I made some sweet potato waffles (mashed sweet potatoes with oat flour) stuffed with a wild rice burger, tzatziki with cucumber & arugula eaten with a large side of asparagus.


    Nobody hears needs protein only bodybuilders on steroids, need extra protein as you build one to 5 g of muscle per day at most if you are weight training correctly, focus on getting enough carbs to fuel your workouts to push really hard and recover well, Carbs FTW!! 💪💪💪


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