2 Days of Meal Prep Motivation

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Hey guys! Today I am sharing 2 days of meal prep I did for my family of 6. I like to go through my pantry & fridge and see if there is anything I can prep to make …

24 replies
  1. Mary Koufalis
    Mary Koufalis says:

    I apologize for not understanding but why do you say 'let's go down to my counter and show you….' Is your kitchen not all on the same floor or is that just an expression I have never heard?

  2. T G
    T G says:

    Oh man I need that cheese grater attachment, I didn't even know that they had one for the Kitchen Aide Mixer. Love the idea for the pasta salad, I think my daughter and her fiance' would really enjoy those, maybe I'll make some up and send them home with her as they never seem to have much time to cook. I keep telling her she needs to plan out her meals and do some meal prep on the weekends, but you know, she doesn't always think I know what I'm talking about, LOL. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful ideas with us.


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