2 Chefs Cook from Another Chef’s Fridge | Chef vs Chef Battle

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The Chefs are raiding Food Team Slater’s fridge today and BATTLING to come up with some creative creations. Sorted Live is …

46 replies
  1. stinastri
    stinastri says:

    The sweet eggy dish Ebbers presented Barry is actually quite an old timey dessert in my home country of Estonia, and it's called 'lumepallisupp', meaning 'snowball soup'. So cute to see it on this channel! Keep up the good work, fellas! Love your stuff! PS Is this dessert a thing in any other country as well?

  2. khuang96
    khuang96 says:

    I remember the normals doing a similar challenge, as a joint effort, and trying to balance flavors as they go, but turned out a bit too fatty 😅
    Wishing Kush better success~

  3. Jack Cooper
    Jack Cooper says:

    both of the guys did a good job, but I can't give my proper opinion on food products, unless I'm there to taste test, whitch can't happen sadly, but the video was fun to watch either way, good work

  4. jack sparkles wilson
    jack sparkles wilson says:

    i know it might not happen but maybe a cheft should be challened to cook like a normal to fool a normal aka mike barry and jamie but do it in a way thet the the jugde aka the normal think there judging other normal best dishes to see if they know if a chef has made the dish

  5. Jake Jewell
    Jake Jewell says:

    I truly don't understand these challenges sometimes. Barry's commentary and reactions were so much more positive for Ben's dishes, but he chose A. Maybe I'm just overly protective of Ebbers, but sometimes I think they do things just to wind him up.

  6. matt osborne
    matt osborne says:

    Sometimes I will watch the chef battles just befor emaking a mid week meal. Esp these fridge ones. Today's result was Chicken breasts airfried then glazed in honey, sriracha, and oyster sauce, and left to rest to let them get to know eachother. Mayo infused rice and a pine nut salad. salt and peps to taste. Boom done.

  7. airkami
    airkami says:

    Barry had to add in the bit about the custard tasting like a chef re-created canned custard to make up for him questioning if the ketchup came out of a bottle XD

  8. A Look Into History
    A Look Into History says:

    I've never been impressed with the appearance of sous-vide eggs because the yolk and white need different temperatures, and generally an SV egg just looks like a mess. But sous-vide and then fried? They look awesome. It might be my new favourite.

  9. KmtKV5
    KmtKV5 says:

    I love these cooking from someone else's fridge battles. It could also be cool to see the commentary of the person who owns the fridge on what the contestants did. I'd love to know what Slater thought of the dishes.


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