15 Things We Never Buy and Why! Smart Frugal Tips during Our Retire Early

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15 Things We Never Buy in Our Retire Early and Why! Smart Frugal Tips. Live your Best Life now, at home or abroad. We’re back …

16 replies
  1. @Dr_Enoch_Metatron
    @Dr_Enoch_Metatron says:

    my toothpaste is natural but ye i gonna try to make your toothpaste recipe. in the on screen text it doesn't say about the amount of baking soda. please relay the toothpaste recipe. thanks

  2. @Dr_Enoch_Metatron
    @Dr_Enoch_Metatron says:

    for cleaning i use natural stuff too. and soaps and shampoos etc are all natural for decades already. zero petroleum based poisons in my premises !!!
    buy a hypochlorous acid generator Frank n Anjie. great asset 🙂

  3. @Dr_Enoch_Metatron
    @Dr_Enoch_Metatron says:

    i rarely drink too but when i do it's my homemade alcohols. i have 3 kinds of my homemade wine in the fridge right now and i boost the alcohol content up to 20% easily with the high alcohol tolerance yeast strains that i use. if i want brandy i can use my distiller to skim of the alcohol from the wine. and i have American oak former barrel wood small blocks if i want to make whiskey too.

  4. @Dr_Enoch_Metatron
    @Dr_Enoch_Metatron says:

    ye i been studying natural healing with a huge variety of substances and many things most people never heard of and also i have many many electronic devices too heal myself as well. if the natural arsenal doesn't solve the ailment them on rare occasion I'll hit it with pharmaceutical pills or other pharmaceutical stuff. that's if all else fails. I've been studying natural healing for at least 45 years. i have a huge stock of cures always

  5. @Dr_Enoch_Metatron
    @Dr_Enoch_Metatron says:

    i make my own coca cola and it's exactly same taste as the bottled but 100 times better. and i use coconut and muscavado sugar. healthy stuff. i store the syrup and with my seltzer machine i carbonate when i need and i make my own coca cola. i stopped drinking bottled bs chemicals about 45 years ago

  6. @Dr_Enoch_Metatron
    @Dr_Enoch_Metatron says:

    ye those fake cold cuts. jokes. amazing people buy that crap. i make my own serrano ham. and other cured meats and cured fishes and if need coldcuts I'll roast my own meat And i have a home electric slicer to make the thickness i want for sandwiches


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