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LEARN HOW TO COOK THIS FAST NOODLE STIR FRY IN 15MIN OR LESS! LAY HO MA!! Noodles for you, noodles for me, noodles for everyone! Not only is …

50 replies
  1. JenniS
    JenniS says:

    I tried this today! It was Goooood, I just didn't know the difference between the soy sauces so it felt like it was missing something. Overall, good recipe! 😁😁👍

  2. Francine Litz
    Francine Litz says:

    I watched this video 3x and thought I was going to be successful but the noodles glopped together and it became one gloppy, starchy gloppy mess and it had to go in the garbage. What am I missing about getting these noodles cooked? Exactly what noodles are you using? Please save me!! I want to make this dinner!

  3. tolykozin
    tolykozin says:

    love your style of cooking, very sensible, not too much soy sauce, not too much oil not too much of anything. In the end it enhances your taste buds without sacrificing anything. Love it!

  4. V Martin
    V Martin says:

    This was so incredibly good and so easy! I find myself buying broccolini every week now because I notice that you use it a lot and I always think to myself: "I should buy some because what if I want to make one of Wil's recipes this week?", LOL! On a side note, the rice noodles I had on hand needed to be boiled so be sure to check your package instructions and follow those. I tried soaking them, but they didn't cook up for me. Not sure if I did something wrong, but it was amazing with the boiled noodles!

  5. Fox Dylan
    Fox Dylan says:

    Do you have a copy of your cook book as an e book? I would love one but don’t want to order a printed version as I’m in Germany and the shipping is a nightmare as are the new tax laws…

  6. Matthew Reed
    Matthew Reed says:

    I finally did it! This was the first recipe I’ve ever made of yours and it was so good! You really know how to simplify a delicious recipe to its most basic steps and I was able to make the whole thing in around 15 minutes. I’ll be making a lot more of your recipes from now on


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