11 Keto Products I Can't Live Without!

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11 Keto Products I Can’t Live Without – This video is just in time for the first of the year when everyone is starting keto! Find over 80 …

24 replies
  1. Rancancook Canoy
    Rancancook Canoy says:

    Jennifer, good morning. Have you tried Keto Chow? I eat a lot of steak, ribeye, New York, sirloin, etc. I go through several dozen eggs per week. I also use collagen in my coffee. Thank you for your videos. Have a wonderful New year.

  2. Bobby Chelsea
    Bobby Chelsea says:

    She wont stand up and show us the rest of her . From the waist up she looks good. I bet from the waist down she looks just as good, if not better. Stand up Jen, and let us c that new healthy body ( Especially the rear )

  3. Mary Morales
    Mary Morales says:

    I gave your video a try, I thought your choices are interesting.
    Mostly though, I wanted to tell you that I love watching You Tube keto videos for inspiration and help, but you use that background music in yours and after a minute or two, it gets very grating. Your voice with good info is all that's needed to take up space. I'm afraid, it really makes me not want to check out your other videos. Just food for thought. Not meaning to be a critic, but it's something to consider if you're working to attract a wide audience. Maybe you've been in the same boat, watching someone's video and tiring of the music before you tire of the content?

  4. Kim Merrick
    Kim Merrick says:

    Butcher box is a nice program, but if you like going local you should support o farmer. Buy a quarter, half or whole beef. You will find price per pound is much cheaper and you will know exactly where and how it was raised. Same with your pork.


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