10 of the BEST Dairy Free Hacks!

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Yogurt Recipe: https://www.plantwhys.com/blog/vegan-yogurt-made-in-the-instant-pot Almond Milk Ice Cream: …

37 replies
  1. @greentree_
    @greentree_ says:

    Hey, could you please interview CASSIDY & JORDAN GUNDERSEN authors of the book
    I enjoyed your video on the WoW.

  2. @jeanninek.campbell9557
    @jeanninek.campbell9557 says:

    Holy Moly. This Mac n Cheese is over the top delicious! And she is not joking, super easy! AND you have prep for a second batch for another time! This recipe just bumped to the top of my “bring a recipe to share” Go To list! You are killing it @Alisia!

  3. @johnblagrove5177
    @johnblagrove5177 says:

    Hi, i saw someone said to used ice cold water to blend the Oats milk, is it so for for the Almond or just plain room temperature water. I'm watching and noting for hacks carefully. Thanks a mil.😊❤👍🇯🇲

  4. @kkoeshall9136
    @kkoeshall9136 says:

    Regarding making your own plant milk, It's so easy! I know you used soaked almonds and water in your video, but truly it is so much easier to use 1 c of super fine blanched almond flour (I buy mine at Costco or Walmart) to four to five cups of water. Blend it literally for like 30 seconds, and then pour it through a nut milk bag. It's perfect every time. Of course if you want to sweeten it you certainly can, but I'm telling you when I saw this about using almond flour on social media about 8 months ago, I thought oh my word! This is genius! And I've not gone back to buying almond milk. I do however have some shelf stable almond milk in my pantry should I ever run out of almond flour, but that's really just very emergencies, and I haven't had to use it yet 😊.

  5. @leapintothewild
    @leapintothewild says:

    I’ve never been much of a dairy person anyway esp since it caused me horrible congestion, except for melted cheese on pizza or Mexican, but what clinched it for me was hearing this somewhere on a physician’s channel (McDougal? Greger?)… milk is liquid mucus, yogurt is gelatinous mucus, and cheese is solidified mucus! 🤮

  6. @plantbasedwithpeggy7682
    @plantbasedwithpeggy7682 says:

    I do appreciate all you do for us! My husband had quadruple bypass surgery, so that is what plunged us into a plant based diet 5 years ago. We also avoid coconut milk due to the high saturated fat content. When I really want that creamy coconut flavor, I sub with soy milk, arrowroot powder, and coconut extract. Works like a charm!

  7. @WE__BTS
    @WE__BTS says:

    The easiest and tastiest vegan ice cream is frozen fruit with a juicer (doesn’t have to be bananas!). Makes amazing soft serve. The only downside is you can’t refreeze any leftovers bc it tastes terrible in that case

  8. @CharGC123
    @CharGC123 says:

    Great video!! After blending all the ingredients for the mozz, try adding some more beans or oat flour, if necessary, to make it the consistency of a thin batter, then instead of cooking it in the pot separately, just just pour or drizzle it onto the pizza and it will set in the oven. It may not seem as stretchy but it tastes the same and is soooo much easier! Also, if you are making that whipped cream for your hubby, it's not at all heart healthy because coconut is loaded with saturated fat. A much safer option for him would be to whip aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas) with some sugar, vanilla, and cream of tartar. You can even bake it into meringue cookies! And great tip about making mayo out of yogurt! It is so much healthier and tastes great with a bit of dijon and kala namak (black salt…. a sulphur, eggy salt you can get online or from an Indian market. A great addition to chickpea flour for eggless omelets, potato or macaroni, salads, and so on.

  9. @MarcyLochRaven
    @MarcyLochRaven says:

    I can't have too much soy, but I'm hoping the alternative kinds will work as well. By alternative I mean fava bean or some other bean tofu. I'm going to try your cheese mixes, my husband is a stubborn diabetic, he's only now starting to like plant-based cheeses. Thanks for making it simpler.

  10. @carleymills322
    @carleymills322 says:

    I don’t know why your channel isn’t more popular! All of your videos are legit gold! I have been vegan for 8 almost 9 years and I learned about veganism on YouTube and pretty much my only vegan community is on youtube. I only recently discovered your channel, but I am so grateful! I love the realistic and simplistic way you do things! It’s so refreshing to see someone with a big family making plant based living so accessible. This video alone is so helpful because like you said so many people don’t want to give up cheese, but it’s really not good for us or our health. Plus we are so lucky to have so many ways to transform plant based whole foods into cheesy goodness. Also your kiddos are super adorable I love seeing their reactions to all the vegan goodies! Especially the ice cream haha I always lick my bowl clean too 😂💜 Keep up the amazing work vegan super mama! Also I can’t wait to try making my own cheese and yogurt I have everything I need to make them both yay! Thank you so much for sharing! Blessings and gratitude to you and your family! 🌼💕🌼💓

  11. @raeraesma
    @raeraesma says:

    Thank you for sharing another wonderful video. I look forward to seeing your videos all week, and appreciate all of your hard work in making them. Take care. 😊

  12. @karenzielke9387
    @karenzielke9387 says:

    Thank you for this video. There is a typo in the printed recipe for the mozzarella cheese. The video states 1/4 cup tapioca starch; the printed recipe calls for 1 1/4 cups tapioca starch. Can't wait to try the pizza! Thanks.

  13. @jeanninewinkley5317
    @jeanninewinkley5317 says:

    I make various cheeses like this at home. If you freeze them, you can shred them and then sprinkle them on like regular cheese. I use a salad shooter to shred. You have to keep them in the freezer. My store them in a Ziploc bag so I can bang it on the counter to break it up before using. I am loving all your recipes.

  14. @meganrichardson6471
    @meganrichardson6471 says:

    Your tofu Alfredo was a game changer for me. I had tried so many sauces and didn’t like them but I LOVE that one. I did adjust it a little by using silken extra firm tofu because I think it’s creamier for sauces. I also figured out how to make other sauces from it like a cheese sauce and sour cream. The tofu and a little cashew and plant milk combo is a perfect base for me. So thank you!!

  15. @MandyRoy425
    @MandyRoy425 says:

    Have you tried Next Milk? It’s not pure like the other milks, but it’s borderline creepy how much it tastes like cow milk (from what I remember).

    I feel like it could be a good transition milk for people switching to a vegan diet.

  16. @davidthescottishvegan
    @davidthescottishvegan says:

    Thanks 👍 Ali for sharing vegan dairy alternatives. Dairy was the hardest thing to give up when I went vegan/plant based but thankfully alternatives exist now. Giving up animal based foods has been the best lifestyle decision I have made, I only regret I didn't do it sooner. Love 🥰 the video and love ❤️ Ali and family.

  17. @garnerfish5
    @garnerfish5 says:

    Thank you for your content. I’m new to this plant based diet, and am still trying to make the full switch. I do have a question…. I see so much soy products being used everywhere I look at plant based recipes. Growing up (I’m in my 50s), I remember hearing how bad soy is for you and that it is GMO? Maybe I am remembering false information??

    Also, I’d love for you to share the cookie recipe you made with the almond meal that was left over from making almond milk.


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