10 KARENS Who Got What They DESERVED #13

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10 KARENS Who Got What They DESERVED #13 This video Features Public Freakouts, Top 10 Karens Getting Owned, Karens Getting Triggered, Entitled …

34 replies
  1. Linda Park
    Linda Park says:

    Karens get your energy focused on something that's meaning full.
    You all have made an ASS out of yourselfs.
    If your dog is fixed. So he or she gets hump. It not displaying a sign of aggressiveness.
    Look it up before crying wolf.
    You other good Lord reply and it will speak for itself.
    Yup! Prepare to hang your heads down in shame.

  2. Dale Leisenring
    Dale Leisenring says:

    Karens who repeatedly call the police for non-existent problems should be arrested. These Karens are all about CONTROL! Most Karen species are vindictive and get a rush out of being the neighborhood Babushka.

  3. Charlie Diesel
    Charlie Diesel says:

    The one with the parking those women should have just ignored them but she was right. It is a public street. As long as they are not blocking their driveway or by a fire hydrant they have the right to park there.
    And did she really call the cops because the dogs wanted to get it on?!?! 🤯 obviously they both wanted it or it would have turned into a fight! And "you can't allow your dog to aggressively (mount I think she said) another dog" it's not like he said "hey go hump that dog" come on now!

  4. thechad
    thechad says:

    The lady didn't have to call the cops for that bs reason, but dude, control your damn dog. It's NOT normal for your dog to be going around humping every dog he sees.

  5. Worried About America
    Worried About America says:

    I posted this to Facebook.

    You have heard of Missing White Woman Syndrome, but this one for for all the 'Karens' out there.

    '"Missing white woman syndrome is a term used by social scientists[1][2][3] and media commentators to refer to the media coverage, especially in television,[4] of missing-person cases involving young, white, upper-middle-class women or girls compared to the alleged relative lack of attention towards missing women who are not white, women of lower social classes, and missing men or boys.[5][6] Although the term was coined in the context of missing-person cases, it is sometimes used of coverage of other violent crimes. The phenomenon has been highlighted in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Africa, New Zealand, and other predominantly white countries.[7][8]

    American news anchor Gwen Ifill is widely considered the originator of the phrase.[6] Charlton McIlwain defined the syndrome as "white women occupying a privileged role as violent crime victims in news media reporting", and posited that missing white woman syndrome functions as a type of racial hierarchy in the cultural imagery of the US.[9] Eduardo Bonilla-Silva categorized the racial component of missing white woman syndrome as a "form of racial grammar, through which white supremacy is normalized by implicit or even invisible standards".[1] "

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (the remainder of the article was not copied to here.)'


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