10 Cheap Japanese Kitchen Gadgets

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Trying 10 Cheap Japanese Kitchen Gadgets bought at Daiso 1. Handy Butter Dispenser 2. Tofu Cutter 3. Potato Chips Grinder 4.

31 replies
  1. My Name IS
    My Name IS says:

    I think you used the egg frier thingy wrong, the one that has the 4 shapes, yeah you put the eggs into the bottom part, put that in the microwave, than after its done in the microwave put that lid thingy on it to press down to get the mold correctly.

  2. Charlton Artandsoul
    Charlton Artandsoul says:

    Z sunnybrae sour patch kids berry cheetos crunchy countdown Northcote sour patch kids berry countdown potato chips sour cream and Onion moon sushi dairy sour patch kids berry cheetos crunchy

  3. Yvelle Bradley
    Yvelle Bradley says:

    Don’t like the 🧈butter stick. All those crumbs sticking to the stick!🍞
    Bonus; The frozen dishes 🥣 can be made in multiples, 🥣🥣in advance. Use them as outdoor tea candle holders in cold winter ❄️climates, issuing your guests inside!🧊🧊🧊🕯🕯🕯

  4. SeriousHex
    SeriousHex says:

    that pancake at the end looked incredible. the ice dish is a neat idea too, making a dish that you don't need to wash. I'd imagine if you eat a lot of fruit or salads, as long as you ate reasonably quickly before the lettuce got soaked, that would save a lot on having to wash dishes. the few cups of water it takes to make it would honestly be less than running the sink long enough to scrub it. Potato chip crusher though? i dunno about that one, chips aren't exactly known for their tensile strength, you can crush em up pretty easy with your hands.

  5. Pwettypwushie
    Pwettypwushie says:

    The egg gadget works better if you use a fresh egg or remove the watery whites from the refrigerated egg. When you crack an egg you will see the yolk and the white, but then there is also a thinner white liquid that will easily separate from the former. This creates less water vapour to escape while cooking 👍


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