1 Dollar Sushi Rolls | But Cheaper

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Sushi is commonly one of the most amazing yet expensive items on a menu. BUT if you make it at home using these instructions, …

25 replies
  1. Lynda812
    Lynda812 says:

    Thank you for this video! I have been on a mostly vegan diet for a few months now and have eaten my share of beans and lentils… I am ready to try something new. I thought perhaps maki’s would be great since I can put what I like in them. Ideas for flavours is always welcome, but especially if they’re simple and can keep in the fridge for a few days. I don’t know too much about raw fish… I feel safe eating it at a Japanese sushi house, but buying raw fish for sushi at a grocery store scares me. I’m going to try imitation crab meat, making a spicy tuna salad (tuna in a can) sardines from a can, and salmon from a can. Wish me luck!

  2. Light of Lapis
    Light of Lapis says:

    Ok my question is… if you can’t eat all of that alone in one shot… how long can the salmon last in the fridge? Best way to store it? I’m assuming you would not pre mix in the mayo etc and wait til you make it to do that….

  3. TheRedKing247
    TheRedKing247 says:

    You can make this even cheaper just by using some canned salmon, tuna, chicken or even roast beef. Salmon especially tastes pretty much just like if you bought an actual cutlet.

  4. Nat sellar
    Nat sellar says:

    Why does nobody on these youtube videos use a tiny bit of water on the flap of the seaweed when you're rolling it to make it stick?… that's what I learned from pro chefs.

  5. Persephone Luciferia
    Persephone Luciferia says:

    I don’t think uncle roger will approve this. Since when Japanese hand roll sushi has fried shallots in them? Of all my life loving Japanese food, this is really unorthodox. No, I disagree with fried shallots to be apart of the recipe.

  6. J Chromotone
    J Chromotone says:

    If your gonna say things like check out my other video. You should link it in the discrption. I wanted the recipe but couldn't find the corresponding video… Thanks for the content


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