1 Dollar Giant Cinnamon Rolls | But Cheaper

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These are the biggest and cheapest gooey homemade cinnamon rolls in the game and you will be glad you made them. Get My …

48 replies
  1. Hrant Mreyan
    Hrant Mreyan says:

    I am sorry but this recipe is not that great… i made lots of cinnamon rolls from your previous recipe, and they are amazing, but this one… it's hard to pull off, get everything together, also the dough is wet, and the rolls fall apart in the oven.

  2. morrisahj
    morrisahj says:

    I often go out and find myself underwhelmed or disappointed by the quality and price of food that I pay for at restaurants these days. I 100% agree that it is often not as difficult, cheaper and much more delicious to make things at home now instead of buying things elsewhere 👌Even better, I can make it taste exactly the way I want and avoid the hassle of leaving home lol

  3. manuel campo
    manuel campo says:

    Josh, you’re a maniac. Just got your book today in the mail, and it’s amazing. I’ve never wanted to make my own butter, until I read this damn book. This weekend, I’m making Josh’s butter and putting it on everything. Nut butter (haha), MSG butter, it’s all going down.

  4. Dan Jam
    Dan Jam says:

    Quick question/statement, I love cooking and have been cooking with my mom since i was young. If i were to take the time to make yt vids baking/cooking some of his recipes would any of yall be interested? Im genuinely curious🤷🏿‍♂️. (Yall dont gotta like this just reply)

  5. Kevin Miko
    Kevin Miko says:

    I started to watch this video (1 Dollar Giant Cinnamon Rolls | But Cheaper) within an hour or so of it releasing on Jan 16th, but then just because I couldn't take it anymore, and then there was josh starting to make GIANT CINNAMON ROLLS, I broke down, and finally bought 'an unapologetic cookbook' by joshua weissman. It arrived tonight. Now that I have it in hand, I can continue watching this video. Thank you Josh!

  6. Jimi Lee
    Jimi Lee says:

    I must have done something wrong. The flavor was on point, but all my rolls except for 1 spread out too much while baking. I also prefer the cinnabon but better recipe's flavor and appearance.

  7. truthfulkarl
    truthfulkarl says:

    when i worked at a bakery, i was the one making the days cinnamon buns, if i had enough scrap pieces i would roll em up and toss em into a 9 in disposable pie thing and made a head sized cinnamon bun


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