🧅Sauteed Onions Blood Sugar Test *What I Eat in a Day* || VLOG #bobsredmill

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34 replies
  1. PetChef
    PetChef says:

    I’ve used your links to purchase LMNT, Redmond’s salt and the Elihome cutting boards. Really appreciate the discounts. You may have mentioned in another video, but what is the monthly cost for the CGM?

  2. Cindy Demanche
    Cindy Demanche says:

    What a great day of eating with great numbers!!
    Bob’s Red Mill looks like an awesome store.
    I did a thing-about two weeks ago I started a YT channel, (my name), put up a few very short videos-still trying to figure out the thing…any tips are welcome….lol

  3. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    For at least a year I have been having a glass of water first thing in the morning and waiting about 1/2 hour until my first cup. I don’t watch my glucose or anything but I cannot wait over an hour. I heard about the cortisol thing too, ages ago. I hope it helps you.

    00 Flour is for making pizza. It is ground especially fine for pizza dough.

  4. Kathe Akaija
    Kathe Akaija says:

    Yay Bob! Milwaukie Oregon?
    I live in Gaston, drive by there ALL time!
    Carmelization realizes the sugar, so that could happen…however….onions are a good pre-biotic……

  5. Terry Ann
    Terry Ann says:

    Great! I was hoping for the sautéed onions test… one of my favorite veggies 🙂 I decided a couple of weeks ago to do this with my coffee as well… I think I have crazy cortisol spikes in the a.m. and I dont think coffee first thing is helpful :/ I now wait until later after food.

  6. Karen Reaves
    Karen Reaves says:

    My body is healing on carnivore, meat digest’s in the gut, fiber rots in the intestines. I have a hernia, not eating fiber has taken pressure off of my bladder so I don’t have to go to the bathroom so often, for either reason.

  7. Christina Hurst
    Christina Hurst says:

    I'm struggling with hyperglycemia I have no stomach so it's causing dumping syndrome with every drink or meal I eat iv never seen these videos before with you can you tell me what all u use. I have a cgm and I just downloaded the nutrisense app I'm desperate and may end up with surgery but would love to try and figure out some meal that maybe wouldn't effect it you said u use a watch too is there a page I learn better thru reading I could find your info on or where to start from beginning so I'm not coming In half way confused trying to figure it out


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