🥩Should I give up the carbs and just go carnivore? #weeklywellness

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25 replies
  1. @versatec1
    @versatec1 says:

    It’s very individual..some people thrive on carbs in varying degrees and some people do really bad on carbs…I thrive on both carbs and carnie! I think it also depends on how active you are…For instance I roe on the sea and cycle 26 miles most days…whatever I eat gets burned up real quick! 😊👍🏻

  2. @bdogg197
    @bdogg197 says:

    I had questions and thought carnivore would be a great choice. But, I’m 1/2 way thru and I’m thinking I want to hire Jonathan too. 😀. He seems to be better in tune with women’s needs. Honestly, it could be a whole department. And he is sweet. 🙏

  3. @ldpetchell
    @ldpetchell says:

    Same thoughts here! He has interesting information. I've been ketovore for 10+ years and feel I'm still not healthy and healing. If I add in more carbs, I feel so much more hungry during the day, and cravings come back. I've been hypothyroid for 24 years. I joined the Go Carnivore group today and am looking for a naturopath for further support. My current PCP just will not support me in the way I need. By the way, I'm not enjoying all the rain we've been having in Oregon this past couple of weeks! I so want the sun to come back out!

  4. @kterlesky
    @kterlesky says:

    I love that you are presenting a more personal approach. While carnivore can help many people with many things, it gets tiresome to hear it being touted as the one cure-all 👍

  5. @HappyBeeTV-BeeHappy
    @HappyBeeTV-BeeHappy says:

    Give carnivore a shot. But I think you may need an edge to be on carnivore comfortably on account of cravings for carbs. I found an edge to make doing the lion diet a piece of cake. And what that edge is, is homemade electrolyte water. I mix 2 tsp of food-grade Epsom Salt and 1 tsp of potassium chloride in a half-gallon jug of water and drink that during the day. That was a game-changer for me and swung the ax on carb cravings.

  6. @marjake3147
    @marjake3147 says:

    Many people start the carnivore diet to relieve symptoms of RA or other inflammatory issues. It is my belief that carnivore lifestyle starves all the bacteria in your gut especially those that cause disease. I know that you are on board with the Super Gut book and I would suggest to you to try going carnivore for at least 3 months and then hit your super gut diet with a vengeance. I have severe RA and doing this has been a miracle for me. I should confess that I wasn't able to do the BBB&E version of carnivore so I guess you could classify my diet as either ketovore or "dirty" carnivore; I included dairy in my diet by using whipping cream in my coffee, I made jello for myself as well as ice cream. I justified it by reminding myself that dairy was protein. BTW, I no longer have to take pain pills for the first time in over 10 years! I also purchased Akkermansia supplements and drink at least one cup of green tea/clove tea every day to make sure I don't have any "leaky gut" issues.

  7. @Blobiverse
    @Blobiverse says:

    ABSOLUTELY look into reducing vegetable/seed oils! A huge part of why carnivore makes a huge difference for folks is they end up inadvertently eliminating seed oils. Tallow, butter, ghee, avocado oil—look into it Indigo!


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