🥞 Making Maple Syrup From POTATOES?! 🥔 | HARD TIMES RECIPE

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Get 50% off your first month of any KiwiCo subscription: https://www.kiwico.com/emmy. I’m testing a recipe that claims that you can …

23 replies
  1. Lou58Lou
    Lou58Lou says:

    Growing up our family did not have a lot of money. I remembering my mom making her own syrup, I tried once or twice in a pinch, using basically the same recipe you did here but with regular water she also added Maple extract. She baked a lot so she always had ingredients.

  2. Talk Soup
    Talk Soup says:

    I mafde the Bob's and it was AWESOME. So this is next

    I meant to leave a comment about a hack that Im sure every cook has had issue with and that is i was making bread with yeast.. I make a sponge first that is why I didn't pay attention till it was too late. I ran out of flour midway thru. I searched YT looking for a substitute that would not be negatively effective by yeast. All i had was bisquick. I was afraid I would make an explosion, but couldn't find it anywhere. So i called a bisquick hotline. They said yes I could use it with hearted flour.
    The loaf turned out beautiful.
    I wonder if you could make a video. I guess the key tags or title " substituting Bisquick et al when running out of flour after yeast was already incorporated"7
    "Can bisquick be used with yeast"

  3. puggirl415 puggirl
    puggirl415 puggirl says:

    Waffles are the best:) Maple syrup subs must be trending. Weird Fruit Explorer just did a video making mock maple syrup from fenugreek seeds. There are so many things you can make syrup from it seems. I just harvested a bunch of tubers from my garden called Yacon. I juiced them and boiled the juice down. It looks a lot like molasses and tastes a bit like a cross between sorghum syrup and molasses. Wow those orange egg yolks made your pancakes look so golden yellow. Lovely!

  4. Erica Chacon
    Erica Chacon says:

    Idk how much I want to try making potato syrup- but Emmy, that T-shirt is AMAZING. It's right up there with your green wolf shirt, & your "Types of Whales" shirt! 😍😊


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