🥚Egg Fast **Day 1** Ketone & Glucose Experiments Continue #CKM #CGM

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39 replies
  1. Janet Thompson
    Janet Thompson says:

    Egg fast, interesting. I LOVE EGGS. I could live on them. Such a complete protein. I have been wanting to try the Asian egg pudding. I think my grandkids would love it too.

  2. shellyrocks211
    shellyrocks211 says:

    HI!! My name is Michele and I'm a new subscriber!! just found your channel from researching the sardine challenge 🤣. Im having the same results from the challenge, my ketones are staying in the .7-1.3 range 😁 I like herring and sardines though. I have 65+ pounds to lose yet and i may do the sardines every other week?? hopefully i can teach my body to burn burn burn those ketones!!! LOVE your content!! PS Im going to try the egg coffee lol

  3. china33ful
    china33ful says:

    The Egg Custard is a traditional Chinese dish. Traditionally made with dried baby shrimps (salty) chopped. Steamed on the stovetop, chopped scallions sprinkled on the top. Once cooked, add soy sauce & hot oil. It will sizzle. Delicious!

  4. china33ful
    china33ful says:

    Here’s Anita’s guideline for Egg Fast. 7-8 eggs a day – eat a minimum of 6 eggs daily. 1 tbsp fats per egg, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil or mayo. Optional: 4 oz cheese a day. Limit mayo 2 tbsp daily.

  5. Jeanie Haupt
    Jeanie Haupt says:

    I make an eggnog latte almost daily. The 2 ingredients I add that might make a flavor difference are 1/8 – 1/4 tsp salt + cinnamon (if you aren't opposed). Maybe try it 1 more time? Lol
    I have a ton of eggs right now. I got 100 free range for $20. They are blue and have lovely orange yolks. Good luck with your fast!

  6. Ingrid Ferg
    Ingrid Ferg says:

    Cheesy eggy bread? 2 eggs whipped up with 1 tsp Physillium husk,, 1/4 tsp baking powder and a tbs melted butter. Topped with an ounce of shredded cheese and baked for 10/15 min in a flattish dish. Divine!

  7. RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=)
    RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=) says:

    I'm not super keen on doing whole egg in my coffee, yet just the yolk I can~ & enjoy it. I also like salted butter, & sometimes a bit of nutmeg, just depends on what I'm doing/trying that week. =)
    About the sardines, after a bit of research, it seems it's the add'l nutrients in them that offsets the lower protein & calories~ as far as how it affects our body/muscle mass/etc. Just some thoughts, & I was concerned about it for the same reasons. Especially at my age, restricting protein is never my aim.

    🤦‍Oh my word, you might just be "up to thine eyebrows" w/the UNconstructive comments~ gee, no wonder🙃 For someone like you- who seems extremely patient & gracious- to get to this point is a serious bummer, in my book. *For all the apps available in app land, someone should make one that sifts & deletes for us~ before we even have to see them, errgghh.

  8. CruisinGal
    CruisinGal says:

    One thing I love to make when I egg fast is 2 T butter in a mug of hot water, then add about 1/2 teaspoon Redmonds organic seasoned salt. It tastes like a nice brothy soup. Sometimes I'll add a raw egg in it to make egg drop soup (on the stove in a small pot).

  9. exchangestudent2
    exchangestudent2 says:

    Maybe just yolk in the coffee?

    Would your crepes qualify for the egg fast? And I agree look up I breathe I'm hungry. She has quite a bit w egg fast and of course, ketogenic woman.

  10. Mike El Guapo
    Mike El Guapo says:

    Jimmy Moore is credited with coming up with this challenge in 2010. Most of his rules you did mention so they seem to be consistent. about using sweeteners, that wasn’t included his rules, but he does have one rule that does allow for modifications. Take That egg challenge police

  11. Live A Noursished Life
    Live A Noursished Life says:

    I started Keto doing the egg fast last yr around May but did it for like 2 weeks LOL. I was scared to transition to reg food, etc. I was like ok, lost like 20lbs what do I do now?!!! 😲 I still eat egss pretty much everyday. I'm down from 302 to 218 but I hit a stall and was going to try the Sardine fast but I might go and do the egg fast again this wkend.


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