🥓How it Went // #BBBE Experiment #WellnessWednesday

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0:00 Intro 1:06 BBBE experiment overview 3:49 How it went 12:40 What the Tone numbers did Find the Tone device here: …

45 replies
  1. JuJu GoKeto
    JuJu GoKeto says:

    Thanks for sharing. I have been keto for 3 years, carnivore ish 2 weeks. Have had cabbage, Brussels, avocado on 3 different days. Last night had salmon with 4 oz broccoli. Today I feel lethargic and blah. Maybe broccoli doesn’t like me? Keeping a journal. Will get strict, then try broccoli again later. Glad to know I am not the only one…. A shame that we need to worry about food. Maybe we all would be so much better off without the many years of crappy engineered food that we used to eat. Who knew?!

  2. Kim Brown
    Kim Brown says:

    Thank you. Really good information. I am on an extended fast right now but am gathering different ideas for the direction I need to take next. Thanks again for sharing.

  3. Terry Dowd-Belmonte
    Terry Dowd-Belmonte says:

    I always wondered why sometimes I am eating so well but feeling so bad. Rosacea flairups, breakouts and just a weak uneasy feeling. That makes perfect sense that it may be detoxing! Thanks so much for experimenting and sharing.

  4. Laurie Carlson
    Laurie Carlson says:

    I LOVE BBBE!!! It's so simple and EASY!!!!! I LOVE my eggs!!!! There is a way to make the PSMF bread strictly Carnivore and I do that. My tummy does not like veggies except for the occasional onion, garlic, dill hamburger pickles, a very small carrot, and the mushrooms you showed us that are in your beef stew recipe as well! Those are about the only veggies I can tolerate, otherwise, I am Carnivore/BBBE and I do my BEST!!! I feel my BEST!!!
    I do switch over to Ketovore occasionally depending on what I or my body is craving!!
    And I do like a little of my alternative sweeteners, especially with my coffee and yes, electrolytes, so I guess I'm not "hardcore" Carnivore…

  5. Gladys O'Brien
    Gladys O'Brien says:

    Wow! I have no problem eating 🍳fried eggs in butter EVERYDAY! My secret is to season them differently everyday! I even recently bought Old Bay to sprinkle on my 🍳eggs, delicious. Yesterday, I tried a new (to me) Italian spice blend being parsley, basil, thyme, rosemary and oregano…to die for! Rotate seasonings. But I admit, I grew up eating eggs 🍳everyday and do not feel ‘right’ without my daily eggs. As for bacon, 🥓I now turn to Costco🇨🇦Crumbles 🥓they are all meat…wonderfully smoked and good dollar value!🥓
    But I feel guilty eating 🍳eggs twice a day! 🍳
    For Easter, 🐂beef🐂 tenderloin 🐂is on sale this week….only $10.88/pound down from $35.00/pound, yes, USDA🇺🇸 All imported 🇺🇸🐂for the sale! 🇺🇸 I bought the largest $91.50 piece! 🐂🇺🇸Lots of great🐂 eating to come. I butcher the long tenderloin and vacuum pack the individual cuts… the key to freshness. Steak 🥩and eggs🍳coming soon!

  6. Gina Godoy
    Gina Godoy says:

    Great video, Nili! I would be curious too if you drank your coffees with your meals what the results would be! My educated guess is that you would release a pound or two, or at least have some body recomposition, simply because you're tightening up your eating window (not that that's your goal, but it's what will happen) and not "snacking" between meals. I'm an intermittent faster and adhere to a 4-6 hour eating window, and drink only black coffee and water in the morning. I don't eat past 4pm because if I do, I'll just feel heavy and too full at bedtime. I look forward to that future video!

  7. Amy:Carnivore's Angel
    Amy:Carnivore's Angel says:

    I know so many people who BBBE works for… I’m just not one of them! I go off food and just don’t want to eat it anymore. I love the variety and have been able to eat so much more when I include a few extra plant items! Kiss Levi for me ❤️❤️

  8. worth_a_beet
    worth_a_beet says:

    I think this is like anything else, giving up choice is great, only whilst it's yours to make. Eliminating things from your diet is great when you have the choice, but when your diet, like mine, becomes so limited, because you have no choice, you soon learn that keeping it as varied as possible is a luxury you don't not want to give up. However, as ever, each to our own.

  9. Bobby Chambers
    Bobby Chambers says:

    I did BBBE last fall for about a month after doing PSMF and had noticed my weight slow down. With BBBE, I saw movement not only on the scale but with my body composition too. Im not sure if it was the increase of fat or calories. This last month and half I’ve been experimenting with increasing carbs via whole foods -oatmeal, vegetables, and fruits to see if I notice any improvement with my sleep and continued weight loss. Surprisingly, I’ve not noticed a change in my sleep but the scale is continuing to drop. I’m now about 14 lbs from my goal weight. Thank you for the continued motivation and encouragement that your channel provides. None of us are the same and our bodies require different needs. I love that you experiment to see what works best for you. ❤️

  10. berrygirlfinn
    berrygirlfinn says:

    Thank you for testing all this out. I have no desires to go full carnivore, I know from my very Soul! I love color on my plate and I love how I feel on keto, so that’s my home! I know that dairy is a no-no for me and my skin and weight -loss so that’s are far as I go on self deprivation!😂😂😂 So bring on the recipes, that’s the happy place!!!

  11. Jeremy Fritsch
    Jeremy Fritsch says:

    What about changing your macro ratios? Doing higher fat like 80%? I have the Biosense device and will plan on experimenting with 25-50% protein ratios just to see. Utilizing a carnivore approach.

  12. Katherine Kam
    Katherine Kam says:

    Sweetener is my kryptonite. When I started keto last year, it was fantastic, I was so near my goal weight ( and eliminated my disordered eating). But suddenly, I started to gain weight. I blamed it on the work-at-home. I have to get something changed and tweaked now. I think sweetener is the one to go. Any tip on how to kick the habit?

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  13. Jan P
    Jan P says:

    With carnivore and psmf there's so much variety for me thanks to all of the great psmf recipes. I like not worrying about calories or macros and shopping is easy now. Bonus… bloating and gas are almost non existent! I do make sf jello, whip cream, egg pudding and Maria's angel food cake for my sweet cravings. And I can eat til I'm full and not feel guilty!

  14. M. Gregg
    M. Gregg says:

    Freddy is so beautiful! Impossible to resist. And Levi is precious. I too am on the journey of finding the balance of what works best for my body, gives me a measure of enjoyment, and does not infringe too much on family celebrations. Thank you for sharing your experiences!

  15. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I could not eat that way at all. I like my variety and I do eat veggies. They don’t seem to bother me much. I behaved myself for 95% of the day and then I had a dessert, a real dessert. I am sure I will fall asleep watching tv from it. That’s ok. It is a rare thing lately. I am not feeling guilty. As I said, I work in a bakery and there is a ton of temptation. I am pretty good about cutting out the sweets but once in awhile I come home with something. I haven’t eaten anything like this in almost 2 weeks now so I am ok with it. Back to egg white bread in the morning!

  16. maychorian
    maychorian says:

    For the month of April I am trying an experiment of only eating beef. It is definitely a challenge. On the first day I decided that I couldn't stick with just salt, I had to have my spices. Fortunately I'm not doing this as an elimination diet, I'm just doing it to see how it feels, so I felt okay allowing seasonings. I've been keeping up the variety by making meatballs every day with a different spice blend. I have this airtight container full of world spice blends that I'm going through and experimenting with. So like the other day I had meatballs with harissa, which were excellent, and tomorrow I'll try garam masala. And when I heat some leftover pot roast (frying it in a spoonful of tallow,) I've been adding a generous sprinkling of togarashi. It keeps me curious to see what the different spices will taste like, how they'll affect the meatballs and if they can stand up to the strong flavor of beef. I'm enjoying it so far.

    I definitely felt that "detox" reaction you mention on the first day. I felt really bad and off for no real reason I could figure out. A little nauseated, too. I almost thought maybe I should quit the diet on the first day. But I stuck with it, and I've felt fine since then. I'm kinda relieved to hear it's a normal reaction to a change in diet, even if it didn't seem like THAT big of a change.

    I am having a really hard time with unflavored electrolytes, though. It's just really, really gross. I've taken to swallowing the whole glass as fast as I can, which doesn't really help, but does make it go quicker. I really wanted to go sweetener free for this month, too, but I think I'm going to have to give in on the electrolytes. It's just nasty with no flavoring and no sweetener.

  17. Cyndi Manka
    Cyndi Manka says:

    I can do it. And I’ve done it for days. But I don’t have a family I have my husband. He still works I’m retired and when he comes home I have dinner. Tonight we had been n bleu salad. Well I had feta and homemade thousand island. But it was so delicious. We have a big salad two nights a week. The rest of the time I’m just pretty much eating beef bacon eggs some pork in. And I feel great and nothing ever felt bad. I feel bad for you young folks with all these issues I just don’t get it. I’m super healthy at 63 the only medication I’m on is warfarin because of my DVT blood clot in 2007. I have complete blockage of the deep vein in my left leg. But I have perfect blood pressure I’ve had nine surgeries with no problems. You have a family and you need to do what’s best for your house and your life. I sure appreciate your experiments and illuminations because it gives us some kind of insight of what it can do. Keep up the good work and share the recipes. I’m still eating my arrowroot protein sparing modified fast bread. I had French toast with it this morning but I discovered that I really cut it too thick because it was dry in the middle and the outside was perfect to about an eighth of an inch on each side. I was looking so forward to it and it was delicious. Had two pieces of bacon some butter and a little sugar free syrup. But that is a rare rare thing for me to eat breakfast. But to have that kind of a breakfast

  18. waterstreeter
    waterstreeter says:

    I what you mean about variety!! At the end of the summer I started halving the Instant Pot recipes I made and it has worked very well! I went from eating some recipes for the better part of a week all the time to getting 3 meals from halving them. I can eat more new and different things that way! As always my absolute very very best to all of you including your pets and the stars of Chicken TV! Take care, all!

  19. tielde
    tielde says:

    Yes, perhaps your coffee, meal and repeat throughout the day is keeping your insulin secretion up and hampering weight loss. Would be interested to see what results you get with your intake spaced out.

  20. Ami V
    Ami V says:

    I tried BBBE in early March, made it about 8 days. At that point I was gagging down the beef and eggs, and way under eating. To this day I still can't eat plain ground beef. I'd say BBBE backfired on me. I need a little more variety as well.

  21. Cherie C
    Cherie C says:

    Yeah, so not me. I eat eggs everyday, lean more towards protein, but bbbe, no, too old to deal with a rosacea issue again. It has gone away since low carb, I have lost about 30 pounds and my body is settling down for autoimmune conditions, don’t want to rock the boat.

    Still haven’t made the egg white bread, afraid I will mess it up and waste food and money and time. It takes me a while to jump into new things. You are brave, I am not, lol. Don’t torture your body, work on recipes, if I may be so bold. Thank you. God bless.

  22. Cynthia Demanche
    Cynthia Demanche says:

    Right now I am doing Wendy and Harry chellenges,challenges, been since February. For April, alternating one week Keto Chow plus one beef, butter egg meal. The alternating week is beef, butter and egg.

  23. Stacy Carter
    Stacy Carter says:

    Yeah. I’m a boring kinda person I guess. I love the simplicity of the limited diet. I hate having to come up with different options all the time. If not for my husband wanting variety then I could deal nicely with the strict BBBE diet.

  24. Linda Stiles
    Linda Stiles says:

    I did BBBE this past month as an elimination diet…for the purpose of eliminating inflammation and finding out what was causing it. By day 11 I was going to either quit, add other meats or start fasting long term…lol. I could not eat any more beef! My son doing it with me was feeling the same but about eggs. We decided to add in other meats and seasonings (I really missed chicken too!) and started making chicken salad with bacon mayo and putting skin crisps on top. That helped me stick to it for the rest of the month. Bacon mayo will be a staple now as it's basically free as opposed to the $10 avocado oil. We just started adding things in on day 31. Tomato has gone fine so far. What a treat to have a bit of tomato sauce on meat/egg bowls etc. Next is parmesan…because Pizzza! Peanut butter, chocolate and sweetener soon because I am wanting peanut butter eggs for Easter! I did the egg coffee the first two days and decided it was gross and learned to drink black coffee. Then I saw your idea and tried and loved the 1 tsp butter and 1T butter powder so THANK YOU for that! My next round of BBBE will start so much better with good coffee so I'm grateful for that. Overall I lost 21 pounds and 29 inches off my body. Curious if I will keep losing…if not I will maintain awhile and then start again.


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