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What I eat healthy and easy meal ideas while pregnant in the second trimester. ( 22 weeks pregnant ) follow me : ig …

37 replies
  1. Joseph B
    Joseph B says:

    Neisha! Looking very nice. Wishing you continued health. You are eating some yummy food. If i hadn't binged on boiled eggs and bacon before watching this video, i would be shopping in the fridge now. 😲 I would go with Josie or Josephine for a name. 😬🤦‍
    ………………… 😎👍👍

  2. Tracy Guenther
    Tracy Guenther says:

    These are fun videos. I am not pregnant but it still gives me meal ideas. I wish I knew about Keto years ago when I was pregnant. You look great and I'm thinking her name is Bella Berry. 🥰

  3. Holly Fisher
    Holly Fisher says:

    I can so see you with a Baby Girl💖 Brielle, with a family name for the
    middle~Would be super pretty with
    the last name of Berry…Yet, whichever name Mommy & Daddy have picked-out for her, will be just perfect👶:) Have been wanting to try those Carnivore Crisps for a while now and truly appreciate the discount code👍as I cannot stand pork rinds and am feeling desperate for something crunchy to dip into
    homemade chicken salad🐓😋!!

  4. Melisha McAlister
    Melisha McAlister says:

    I love these videos. You look and sound like you feel great! We just learned our daughter is 5 weeks pregnant with her second child. Their 1st baby is 7 months. It was most definitely a surprise pregnancy, but that's ok! Less sleep, more love! We are over the moon!

  5. Neema D
    Neema D says:

    Loved this❤️ I love pepperocinis! They gave me wicked heartburn when I was eating all the carbs known to man lol. I've been low carb (100g or less/day – easing into things) for a month and have been tolerating pepperocinis much better than I used to. I have to try these romaine BLTs! You look beautiful btw

  6. Monnies
    Monnies says:

    Hi Neisha, You look beautiful and look so happy. Did you pick a name for little girl? Wishing you lots of love and luck with baby girl! Love watching all your videos and with Dr. Berry too!! Hugs and Kisses!!!

  7. Fapnado
    Fapnado says:

    Damn, you have some good ideas. Replacing bread with mostly harmless lettuce is brilliant. Hmm.. maybe lettuce slices added to carnivore batter would add a touch of crispy magic.

  8. Renee Sales
    Renee Sales says:

    I WISH I would’ve known about electrolytes when I was pregnant. It was 6 yrs ago and I was 38. I had the most insane random contractions that would start like an electrical current down my spine and take my breath away, ending up in a tight full belly spasm. Ughhhh they were awful. Looking back it HAD to be electrolyte imbalance or at least mineral depletion. Magnesium! Neisha you look a-freaking-mazing. So happy you are thriving on all fronts! Grow baby grow!

  9. Sky
    Sky says:

    I use the Ultima as well as my teenage son. We love them! We have been waiting for the vid of you and Beckett making ice tea. We mix ice tea and Ultima together for a GREAT tasting electrolyte drink. Lemonade and Rapsberry are the bomb!! Would like to see what you guys make!

  10. S Rezzy
    S Rezzy says:

    It seems like the Ultima have much less electrolytes in them. I looked closely at LMNT, Re-Lyte and Ultima but out of the three…I went with Re-Lyte. LMNT had a very nice flavor, not to sweet, the salt to drink was higher also the citric acid was higher(have stomach issues already), I felt the one with the most drinkability, was Re-Lyte. The object is to ACTUALLY DRINK IT! LOL

  11. Pamela Chappell
    Pamela Chappell says:

    Well, I am many years past being pregnant but absolutely love watching your progress through your pregnancy and your meal ideas. They would even work for me at "Grandma age". LOL. I have no grandchildren but a couple of our boys' friends share their babies with me. Bless you and your precious growing family.


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