šŸ¤”Wellness Thursday?? **September RESET Update** #WellnessWednesday

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32 replies
  1. Deanna Driedger
    Deanna Driedger says:

    Hey #IndigoCommunity ā€¦ I was shocked to see the number of VIDEO VIEWS versus VIDEO LIKES so as I subscriber I just thought I would highlight the importance of hitting the LIKE BUTTON for Niliā€™s channel especially with the crazy changes YouTube keeps adding. It seems it is getting more and more difficult for content creators to get their videos circulated and seen so letā€™s all do our little part.

  2. Roxanne Budd
    Roxanne Budd says:

    Over eating is so easy. Iā€™m 60 and realizing I canā€™t eat as much as I would like too, even with exercise and my daily movement. I just added in yogurt after being dairy free for years, but Iā€™m doing this for my gut. I have also been able to add in egg yolks. I hope to try the whites soon.

  3. Michele Haft Hudson
    Michele Haft Hudson says:

    A thought about your name dilemma: Try ā€œWellness Weekdayā€ and do it when it works for you! I hope I speak for most of us when I say we just want the wellness ā¤content, whenever you can release it.

  4. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I have been trying to be dairy-free this month too. I do not miss the cream in the coffee, but cheese on a burger has been more difficult. I made 2 Krazy Ketoā€™s chocolate core pudding with coconut milk, Steak & Butter Galā€™s egg pudding. I did have cheese 3x, twice were mindless additions to a meal (something.I always do and didnā€™t realize until I was finished eating) and once on purpose. But I have been overly mindful in the last 2 weeks and have 8 days left to be mindful of it. I am going to start October with Keto Chow Pumpkin.& Sausage Soup with a non-core KC packet! Canā€™t wait for Pumpkin Spice Caramel Keto Chow!! Got my new order weeks ago. I also canā€™t wait for queso. Looking forward to it.

  5. Cookshack Cuisinista and then some
    Cookshack Cuisinista and then some says:

    Hello Nilli I've been watching you for a while and I love your channel and your children and what you do. I just wonder why you are so focused on losing weight when you are an amazing person and you work so hard and you bring up your children and love and honor your husband etcetera, isn't feeling your best to the most important thing and practicing moderation on a mostly keto lifestyle? You are a very positive influencer as a 66 year-old woman, I just want you to know that you are enough just the way You are! Continue to enjoy the ride and not worry so much about your weight!

  6. TLS
    TLS says:

    Maybe just call it Wellness check in so you can do it anytime it fits your schedule. Iā€™m doing 2 days a week sardines my body loves it, I lose weight, but 3 days feels too daunting to do weekly 2 is manageable

  7. Cheryl Davis
    Cheryl Davis says:

    Glad to see your wellness update! Iā€™m in my fifth month of finding my happy medium with dairy. I initially recognized I was way overdoing it, eating my homemade yogurt at least twice a day, and having 2-3 tbsp heavy cream in every cup of coffee, several times a day, not to mention using it frequently to make desserts, including whipped cream, cheesecake mousse, and ice creamā€”plus having cheese on my eggs in the morning and on my burgers, etc etc etcā€¦.By about 2-3 months or so of giving it all up, Iā€™d lost that last 15 lbs and a lot of that belly ā€œpoochā€ and flab in my thighsā€”which Iā€™m very pleased about, BUT not pleased that I am obviously not very tolerant of the dairy products that I love! So, the last few weeks, Iā€™ve been tinkering with it, and documenting everything in my journalā€”adding a half slice cheese a couple times per week on something, even having maybe a teaspoon of cream in my coffee, along with the butter (which Iā€™ve been able to keep in all alongā€¦.) a few times per day, and so far, so good. I just have to be very careful to limit portions for now. I think I really need to try giving up all sweeteners again, like I did a few years back, because it really did curtail all my cravings for treatsā€¦but at this point in time, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m convinced Im ready! šŸ˜Š

  8. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    Wellness Wednesday is something that I really look to on Wednesday. But if you change it to Thursday,. that is ok also. You always have some great ideas and inspiration for the N=1 testing that all of us need to do to find that proper human diet. I would make a suggestion, if you move to Thursday, call it Thriving Thursday. You are thriving in this keto/carnivore way of eating.


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